  • 學位論文


A Study on Constructing a Competency Selection Model of Educators in All-Day Accommodation of the Welfare Service Institutions for the Disabled

指導教授 : 黃良志


在身心障礙人口數呈現逐年成長的趨勢下,身心障礙者的福利需求也逐漸受到政府與民間團體的重視和注意,其中提供身心障礙者住宿養護類的全日型身心障礙福利機構數量也隨著需求逐年成長,使得此類機構對專業服務人員的需求量也跟著提升,然教保員又是全日型身心障礙福利機構裡最重要的人力資源配置,因此,教保員的服務能力會影響機構的服務品質,所以,最適任的教保員對機構的組織發展與專業服務績效扮演著相當重要的角色。 有鑑於此,本研究主要目的在瞭解全日型身心障礙福利機構教保員應具備的能力,即以職能理論為研究基礎進行探究,首先,以搜集國內外相關文獻為主,再以訪談方式蒐集實務專家意見,並參考一般實務運用的職能項目後,進行分析與歸納,初步建構出全日型身心障礙福利機構教保員的職能層級架構及內容。再者,分別應用模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method)及分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP),建構全日型身心障礙福利機構教保員的職能評選模式,再依此模式進行實證研究,驗證此職能模式之有效性,以期未來能透過該模式協助評選適任的全日型身心障礙福利機構教保員。 本研究所達成之研究結果如下: 一、確立全日型身心障礙機構教保員之職能項目及定義,分別為團隊合作、反應判斷、人際情緒智力、服務態度、主動積極、服務對象導向、保持彈性與溝通表達等8項,並藉以建立職能評選指標層級架構。 二、藉由搜集相關文獻資料與實務專家意見,並考量各職能準則間的相依關係下,運用分析網路程序法進行系統化分析及量化判斷後,得到各項職能權重分別為反應判斷(0.3156)、團隊合作(0.1844)、人際情緒智力(0.1007)、保持彈性(0.0853)、溝通表達(0.0812)、主動積極(0.0793)、服務對象導向(0.0777)與服務態度(0.0758),再透過確立的職能評選指標權重,建構一套具有權重標準之全日型身心障礙福利機構教保員職能評選模式 三、經實證研究顯示,本研究架構以職能為基礎之全日型身心障礙福利機構教保員職能評選模式,能有效鑑別傑出表現之全日型身心障礙福利機構教保員。 研究結果將提供全日型身心障礙福利機構在評選教保員及進行相關人力資源活動時之參考依據,以期協助機構強化服務品質,增強機構競爭力,進而維持機構的競爭優勢。


With the growth of the disabled population in Taiwan, their welfare has been more valued by the government and many civic organizations. Among many kinds of disability welfare institutions, they are providing all-day accommodation for the disabled, the numbers of which have increased, and so have been the demands for professional personnel in such institutions. Given that educators are relatively more important in all-day accommodation of the welfare service institutions for the disabled, their abilities dominate the service quality of the institutions. Thus, good-qualified educators play critical roles in the development of the institutions and their service performance. This competency-based research aims to explore the competencies with which educators in all-day accommodation of the welfare service institutions for the disabled should be equipped. First of all, the study tries to construct the competency of educators in all-day accommodation of the welfare service institutions for the disabled by compiling the related literature, interviewing several experts, and referring to some competency items empirically used. Second, by applying Fuzzy Delphi Method and Analytic Network Process, ANP, the study constructs a competency selection model, and then, by using this model into practice, proves its effectiveness and anticipates it beneficially for all-day accommodation of the welfare service institutions for the disabled to employ eligible educators. The results of this study are as follows: 1.To establish the competency items and definitions for the the welfare service institutions for the disabled, there are Teamwork and Cooperation, Reaction Judgment, Interpersonal Emotional Intelligence, Service Attitude, Initiative, User Service Orientation, Flexibility, Communication and Expression, in order to set up the hierachical framework of the competency indices. 2.By collecting relevant literature and practical expert advice, and considetation of the dependent relationships among principles of competency, this research utilizes Analytic Network Process to systematize decompostition and quantify judgment, and obtains the competency of the weights: Reaction Judgment is 0.3156, Teamwork and Cooperation is 0.1844, Flexibility is 0.0853, Communication and Expression is 0.0812, Initiative is 0.0793, User Service Orientation is 0.0777, Service Attitude is 0.0758. Then through the establishment of the weight of competency indicators, the study consturcts a compentence-based selection model of the educators of the welfare service institutions for the disabled with weights standard. 3.Through the empirical study, the competence-based model to select the educators in all-day accommodation of the welfare service institutions for the disabled can effectively discriminate outstanding the educators. The results will provide all-day accommodation of the welfare service institutions for the disabled in the selection of the educators and human resource activities of reference resources, in order to assist organizations to enhance service quality and organizational competitiveness, and further, that could maintenance organization's competitive advantage.


