  • 學位論文


The Avenue toward Balanced and Healthy Body, Mind, and Spirit: Taking I Ching as a Mentor

指導教授 : 陳建良


道本非常道,緣為眾妙門,玄微誰洞達,秘奧意難言 度世推靈寶,修真深水源,天機自流輰,方寸即乾元 紅塵滾滾,孽海茫茫,世局紊亂,刼數已臨。吾師受命傳此仙宗大道,只在救人救世,蓋以慈悲為旨,教導弟子,朝夕相聚,叩問道妙,返複解釋,諄諄相受,遠道近誘,以期完全,悟透不為終。師尊常鼓勵我們「人命無常呼吸間,眼觀紅日落西山,陽間一遭空回首,一失人身萬劫難」,又說「修真養性有何難,全憑神定意莫亂,呼吸取得天地氣,守玄能參天外天,明指透出玄中玄,則成逍遙紫金仙」。今吾輩有幸得此仙宗大道,當認真學習、堅定意念,方不辜負仙宗劉師尊五百年才來傳此,教導之苦心和得此天命,茲將恩師歷年講道、語錄大略整理,用此作為有緣之人可以有幸研究之指南。


身心靈平衡 健康 易經 仙宗大道


This path is an extraordinary one, and it is the fate that we meet together. The fine mysteries are metaphysical and cannot be expressed through simple words. In this world, we strive for the spirit, and we seek the truth to its deepest fathom. In the end, the heavenly secrets shall be known to all, and the power of the cosmos shall permeate everywhere. In this world of chaos and lust, the end is coming. My master has received the heavenly will to pass on this divine way. To grant salvation upon men and this world, mercy is of the essence. We shall lecture the disciples, gather together, ask for the wonders, explain them back and forth, and spread the truth everywhere for our completion; yet the master also told us that realization shall not be the end, and he encouraged us: “Our lives are only here for an instance. We see the sunset a second before, and then we turn back finding all those things are but emptiness. Once we lose our identity as men, it’s difficult that we become one again.” He also said: “Peace comes from stable mind. We inhale the cosmic breath, and in doing so we perceive the cosmos and mysteries themselves, ultimately becoming the divine ourselves.” Today, I have the fortune to step on this path, and I shall learn with a firm will, never disappointing Master Liu, who passes on this path 500 years thereafter. The destiny is earned through his efforts of lecturing. Therefore, I hereby conclude my master’s lessons and quotes in this paper as a guide for those who are fortunate enough to make further study.


中國社會行為研究社 (2022) 網站首頁:http://www.csas.tw/。
