  • 學位論文


Social issues among Malay’s dysfunctional families in Singapore.

指導教授 : 蕭文


根據馬來自1990的進展報告,馬來族群在教育,職業,收入和生活素質方面有極大的進展,如更的多馬來族學生進入大學與工藝學院, 提升至中產階級,住更大的房子。 但還有一小部分的人,還落在這群人之後,他們就是馬來失功能家庭。他們的吸毒,輟學,離婚,單身母親,未婚先孕,早婚等問題的比率是所有族群之冠. 也造成這一小部分的馬來族群貧窮和失功能的原因,也成為成新加坡的社會問題. 這問題若沒有預防好來,可能會延續到下一代. 本研究於2007年特別為失功能家庭的小學生主辦三組團體,團員85%是馬來學生。也在我們中心舉辦兩次的馬來媽媽支援團體。從中發現到很多挑戰,其中是出席率和活動的效率。雖然目前已有很多機構主辦各種活動協助這些馬來失功能家庭,但是他們並不積極參與。 因為他們所關心的是解決面前所面臨的經濟問題, 所以效果不大。 另外,希望透過現有的資料與個案報告,更瞭解他們的真實問題,進而找出更有效的方法來幫助他們。閱讀與新加坡馬來失功能家庭有關的文獻, 同時以真實個案以及團體活動支持論點。如何讓馬來失功能的家庭積極參與特地為他們設立的活動並且更有效的達到效果是最關鍵的。在新加坡有很多社工及輔導員不太清楚馬來回教組織為馬來失功能家庭所設立的一些中心和活動,這些資料將呈現在本論文的附件表。


According to the Report of progress of the Malay Community in Singapore since 1990, it has been shown us great improvement in the area of education, occupation, income and quality of life. Prime Minister in the National Day’s Rally Speech mentioned that whereas most Singaporean Malays are progressing since 1990, filling more places in universities and polytechnics, joining the middle class and living in bigger homes, but there is one small group which is falling behind. And it is the minority – the dysfunctional families. On the rise: drug abuse, educational performance (drop-out), divorce rates, the number of single-parent households and an “unacceptably high number” of teenage births and early marriages. The percentage of number of above mentioned issues are the highest among other ethnic in Singapore. All these issues are causing poverty among Malays Dysfunctional Families and Social Problems in Singapore. The problems have been perpetuated to the next generation if it’s not tackled wisely (TODAY, 3 September 2007). This thesis intends to reveal the consequences of dysfunctional families that caused the social issues among Malay’s community and the effective ways to stop perpetuating the problem. Apart from reviewing of articles and literatures that related to Malay’s dysfunctional families in Singapore and their issues, I also use the real case studies to support my thesis. As I am working at Family Service Centre where 80% of my clients are Malay with dysfunctional families’ background, therefore I have a good opportunity to interview and work with them, include conducted group works for the children and support groups for the parents. Researcher has conducted three group works for students at-risk in primary schools for two semesters in 2007 where 75% of the participants are Malay with dysfunctional families background and Mother’s Support Groups in Malay that all the participants are Malay’s needy families. I was facing great challenges such as attendance and effectiveness of the programs. Although there are so many programs available to help Malay’s Dysfunctional Families, but the attendance was not so brilliant for the lack of commitment of participants. As dysfunctional families are often related to poverty, the major issue for them is not education, but financial. In addition, most of them have below-secondary education, some even have no schooling, and so it’s difficult for them to spend hours listening someone talking in the workshop and gain the benefits from it, so how to engage participants from Malay’s dysfunctional families to attend the programs designed by different organizations and gain the benefits from it is very important. Although many avenues of help are available for Malay’s dysfunctional families, but not many social workers/counselors do not know about them. And also the agencies involved in helping these families could be better coordinated, to ensure that families receive holistic assistance and develop long-term resilience. In this thesis, I also collected intervention and prevention programs from different organizations in Singapore, especially Malay/Muslim organizations, so that more social workers who work with this group of clients know where to refer them.


Malay dysfunctional families social Issues


Case Study: The Malay Society in Singapore. Retrieved from http://library.thinkquest.org/spore3.htm
Community of Excellence Leaders’ Forum (2007), page 11, 19
Fatimah, E. (2006). Women & Islam: Between Rights & Obligations. Training for Social Service Providers.
Fazlinda, F. (2005). Systematically Speaking-Re-examining the Malay Dilemma in Divorces. Social Service Journal.
George, Y. (2008). Minister for Foreign Affairs and MP for Aljunied GRC, Malay/Muslim in Singapore, 15 March 2008. Media Resource Centre
