  • 學位論文


An Action Research on Multicultural Education Integrated into Class Co-reading

指導教授 : 利亮時


本論文採取行動研究的方式,以繪本為班級共讀的教材,設計四個主題「獨一無二的你我他」、「從心看世界」、「遠來的友誼」與「文化小尖兵」,共讀八本繪本,進行為期12週24節的多元文化教育教學。研究對象為研究者任教的二年級學生,男生14人,女生12人,共26 人,以學生的學習單和回饋單、訪談、課堂觀察等資料的收集和分析,探究多元文化教育融入班級共讀中的課程設計、實施歷程、遭遇的困難與解決方法,學生呈現多元文化素養學習之情況,教師的教學省思與成長。 本研究結果如下如下: 一、對於國小二年級的學生來說,多元文化教育的活動設計重在情意的培養,教學活動需引起學生的學習興趣與學習動機,課程設計的相關概念不宜過多,課程所規劃的內容必須更貼近學生的生活經驗,教學的媒材可多元化。 二、探討學生多元文化素養學習的情況,認知方面提升學生了解自我,更加了解不同族群的文化,但是在刻板印象與偏見自覺度不大;情意方面提升學生對於學習多元文化的興趣,對於不同文化更能接受與包容,尊重與欣賞的態度還需再培養;技能方面學生能對弱勢族群付出關懷,表現助人的行為,但批判思考的能力可多加強。 三、教師在推行多元文化教育時,可使用多元的教學策略,教學的歷程可彈性變動,以提高學生學習的動力,結合社區資源來支援教學,多多充實自身的多元文化素養,主動參與多元文化的研習和活動。


The sthdy adopts action research. This action research approachs to reading picture books for the materials into class co-reading , designs four subjects "unique to you and me," "see the world from the heart", "friendship from afar" and "cultural small vanguard", reading eight picture books for a period of 24 classes within 12 weeks multicultural teaching. Object of study for researcher to teach the second-grade students including 14 boys and 12girls, a total of 26 people. With students’reading materials, feedback sheets on learning, interviews, observation shch as datas collection and analysis, for the purpose of exploring multicultural education integrated into class co-reading in the instructional design, implementation process, the difficulties encountered and solutions. The students present multicultural literacy and the teacher reflects on teaching and growes up. The results of the research are as follows: 1. For the second grade students, the first essential component in designing a multicultural teaching program is cultivating multicultural attitude of the students. Teaching activities need to arouse students' interest and motivation, curriculum design related concepts should not be excessivec, the planned course contents must be closer students’life and experiences, teaching media to diversify. 2. The students' multicultural literacy investigate: In the cognitive aspects, multicultural education enhances students' self-understanding, a better understanding of the cultures of different ethnic cultures, but the students' stereotypical view and prejudice are no great degree of conscious; In the affective aspects, it enhances students' interest in learning multiculture. The students more receptive and tolerant to different cultures for different cultures. The students' attitude of respect and appreciation need to re-train; In the skill aspects, that students can pay for care for disadvantaged minority, exhibit helping behavior, but they still need to enable themselves to be greater critical thinkers. 3. The implementation of multicultural education, the teachers can use diverse teaching strategies, change in the teaching process flexibility to enhance students' motivation to learn, combine with community resources to support teaching, to enrich their own multicultural literacy a lot, actively participate in multicultural studies and activities.


一、 中文部分:
方淑貞(2003)。《FUN的教學: 圖畫書與語文教學》。台北:心理。


