  • 學位論文


The Accumulation and Transition of the Social Capital in the Community Empowerment:The Case of Sinmin Community in Mingjian Township, Nantou County

指導教授 : 林吉郎


南投縣名間鄉的新民社區是一發展經驗獨特的社區,本研究試圖探討自九二一地震至今,新民社區推動重建及營造工作的過程中,其社會資本的形成與影響。以社會資本的觀點-「信任」、「網絡」及「規範」三要素,來論述新民社區社會資本持續與變遷的現象,瞭解新民社區如何透過重建以及營造工作來創造社區的社會資本,亦即如何編織社區的網絡關係以及建構規範,並從中培養出信任關係,促使社區居民能夠置身投入於社區事務,達到社區的理念與目標,以臻社區營造的成效。 本研究使用文獻分析法、深度訪談法及參與觀察法三種質性研究方法來檢驗研究主題。透過蒐集新民社區的相關文件資料分析、深度訪談與參與觀察等研究方法,將新民社區於九二一地震前的抗爭活動,至地震後營造至今的時間點,劃分為「社會資本之發展階段(1993-1999.9)」、「社會資本之持續階段(1999.9-2009)」與「社會資本之變遷階段(2010-至今)」三個不同階段的時間順序,探討社區營造過程中社會資本的持續與變遷。主要研究發現如下: 一、維繫新民社區社會資本持續累積的要素分別為:在信任要素上,社區領導者積極作為所衍生出來的信任關係,以及社區居民共同認同及理念的實踐;在網絡要素上,運用地震後重建及營造活動的推行,來串聯社區幹部、居民及外部資源的網絡關係;在規範要素上,經由社區社團活動、教育課程、營造活動以及日常生活所衍生相近的價值觀,加上社區集體意識所制定的規範,扣緊社區的網絡關係,從中同時也產生信任關係。 二、促使社區社會資本變遷的主要原因:社區領導者消極的作為所產生的信任關係的瓦解,並破壞了原有的網絡關係,使得先前的規範制度產生失衡的現象。 三、綜觀而言,在新民社區營造的旅途中,社會資本扮演了不可或缺的角色,信任、網絡與規範三要素相互交錯影響,使得社區營造呈現多樣的面貌。


Sinmin Community in Mingjian Township, Nantou County has had an unique development experience. The purpose of this study was to explore while Sinmin Community implemented programs from the 921 earthquake to the present, the creation and the influence toward social capital. Analyzing the process of the accumulation and transition of the social capital in Sinmin Community from the perspective of social capital- trust, networks and norms so as to understand how Sinmin Community implemented programs to create social capital, organize social networks, build social norms, construct trust relationship, promote cooperation, encourage community residents participating in public affairs and activities, and achieve the community program’s goals. This study adopted qualitative approach, employing literature analysis, in-depth interview and participative observation as the methods to examine the proposed thesis. According to the results from analyzing Sinmin Community’s literature, in- depth interviewing and participative observing, this study divided the period of its protest activities before the 921 earthquake and empowering process after the 921 earthquake, into three spans of different phases: “1993-1999.9 as accumulation”, “1999.9-2009 as accumulation”, and “2010 to the present as transition”. This division assisted to elucidate the accumulation and the transition of invisible social capital during that period. The significant findings as follows: 1、The supportive elements for social capital accumulation as below: the trust element, which meant the trust relationships were derived from the community leaders’ positive behaviors and practicing the community residents’ goals as well; the networks element, which intended that by implementing programs in order to link the network relationships between the community cadres, residents and external resources; the norms element, which signified that the values were derived from community activities, educational curriculums and daily livings, also from community residents’ common norms, which could fasten the community network relationships, building the trust relationships as well. 2、Promoting the transition of social capital in the community had main reasons: the community leader’s negative behaviors which collapsed the previous trust relationships, destroyed the previous network relationships, and unbalanced the original norms. 3、In sum, social capital has played an integral role during Sinmin Community empowering journal, moreover, trust, networks and norms were the elements which influenced each other, and made community empowering various.


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