  • 學位論文

邊境衝突與泰國政治變遷: 以「柏威夏神廟」 ( Preah Vihear Temple ) 爭端為案例

Border Conflict and Political Change in Thailand : A Case Study of the Preah Vihear Temple Dispute

指導教授 : 陳佩修


1953年柬埔寨脫離法國殖民獨立後,柬國與泰國之間的紛爭就不斷上演,然兩國嫌隙真正浮現於國際是因位於兩國邊界的印度教 「柏威夏」 (Preah Vihear Temple) 神廟及周邊領土主權之爭。 關於此一神廟歸屬,泰柬兩國基於歷史認知各執一詞;此外,雙方對於神廟周邊領土的主權詮釋更是大相逕庭,泰柬兩國自1956至1958年內迭經多次磋商皆無法達成共識。因此,柬埔寨政府於1959年向國際法院 (International Court of Justice) 提起訴訟,請求國際法院裁判柏威夏神廟的主權歸屬,泰國也接受柬埔寨向國際法院提交此案,爭端訴訟案成立。1962年國際法院對本案作出判決,判定柏威夏神廟屬於柬埔寨;然而對於周邊領土之主權並無進一步解釋,也為日後爭議留下伏筆。 近年來柬埔寨與泰國邊界主權爭議再度上演,新一波衝突起因於柬埔寨向聯合國申請柏威夏神廟列為世界遺跡,此舉在泰國境內引發爭論,並且引起泰、柬邊境衝突,甚至危及與柬埔寨之外交關係,柏威夏神廟所引起之爭端挑動兩國的敏感神經。 本文將從以新古典主義為架構,以泰國角度檢視國內政治面對邊境衝突之態度與策略,並釐清泰、柬兩國在此爭端上之認知。


Since 1953 Cambodia gain independence from French, Thailand and Cambodia had border conflict dispute continually. The “Preah Vihear Temple Case” is the most controversial dispute between the two countries, the government of Thailand and Cambodia had no consensus in this dispute, two countries decided to submit this issue to International Court in 1958. In 1962 the International Court, by a majority vote of 9 to 3, declared the sovereign of Preah Vihear Temple belonged to Cambodia. The government of Thailand refused to accept this result initially. As a member of the United Nations, the government of Thailand accepted this result finally in 1962. The border conflict between Thailand and Cambodia restart again in 2007. The government of Cambodia submits the petition to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, applying for the Preah Vihear Temple to list in the world heritage. This conduct sparked the controversy in Thailand and leads to the border conflict. This dispute endanger the diplomatic relation between Thailand and Cambodia, This thesis aims at dealing with the attitude and strategy of domestic politic, by delineating the framework of neo-classical realism. The cognition of Preah Vihear temple dispute will be clarified by Thailand and Cambodia.


李明峻,2006,《東南亞大事紀( 1900-2004 )》,台北市:中央硏究院人文社會科學硏究中心亞太區域硏究專題中心。
李明峻、陳佩修譯,2008,〈 The Senate of Kingdom of Thailand ( 原著 ) 〉 〈泰王國憲法〉,《亞太研究論壇》41:106-251
