  • 學位論文


Using Supply Chain Perspective to Analyze Electronics Parts Procurement Models of Taiwan’s High Technology Industries

指導教授 : 陳建宏


台灣電子產業在過去數十年的蓬勃發展之後,已進入薄利化階段,電子零組件的採購對於成本控制是一個非常重要的課題。台灣的電子產品製造商為了降低成本花費大量精力多方詢價採購,但在實務上實際的採購成本仍然未有明顯的改善。造成此現象的成因可能來自於產業的總體採購結構,並且與廠商間的互動行為密切相關,需要採用具有總體觀的方法來探討。本研究採用系統動態學,針對供應鏈上下游延伸的相關角色分析其採購模式,探討這些台灣廠商是否仍有其它可以”合理報價方式”或其它增強能力來爭取最大或永久利潤的方法。 研究結果顯示OEM / ODM廠與OBM廠的營運策略有極大相異之處,OEM廠的重點在於成本最小化與高生產品質,而OBM廠則主要在於品牌價值與利潤最大化。其間的差異可歸納如下: 一、 就所有代工廠的採購循環來說會影響採購價格的點不僅在於總需求量而已,更有零組件導入成本的因素(Design Cost)。 二、 就代工廠短期發展多角化能力的角度來看,工廠對供應鏈的管理能力愈強的話,那麼對代工廠取得其它技術援助會有正向回饋,進而縮短了研發團隊問題排除(Debug)的能力。 而就長期來說,若代工廠本身與技術母廠間的互動愈多,長期來說對不同的代工廠就會發展出不同的產品面向。


After the vigorous development of the past few decades, Taiwan's electronics industry has stepped into a small profit margins stage. To control the cost of Electronic Components procurement is one important issue. Taiwan's electronics manufacturers spend a lot of time to search components venders for cheaper quotation, but the actual cost reduced did not reflect the efforts. The causes of this phenomenon may come from the industry's overall procurement structure and the interactions between manufacturers. This study used system dynamics to analyze the interactions among supply roles and proposed a structural explanation to the procurement behaviors in OEM, ODM, and OBM scenario.The results show that differences exists in the operating strategies of OEM / ODMand OBM manufacturers. OEM factory focuses on cost minimization and high production quality, while OBM factory mainly concerned the brand value and maximize profits This study found that not only the total demand will impact the procurement cycle, the power of cost design seems to be important as well. the higher a manufacturers’ supply chain management capabilities are, the more capable they will obtain technical assistance to debug problems in the shoert term, and develop a different product-orientation in the long term


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