  • 學位論文


Factors Causing Retirement Financial Management Plans-An Analysis from the View of Personality Traits and Perceived Risks

指導教授 : 許文忠


根據國家發展委員會資料顯示預估2025年,台灣即將邁入超高齡社會,超高齡社會來臨,不論對於哪一個年齡層民眾來說,「退休金準備不足、醫療費用負擔以及身體健康問題」成為退休後生活感到最為憂慮的事情,無論現行政府退休金制度保障或民眾自行準備退休金明顯不足支應退休生活所需,對民眾而言,「政府退休金」為個人退休規畫收入中最重要的收入來源,因而產生對於退休後生活極度不安全感,爰此,退休理財規劃現今儼然已成為重要民眾必須面對課題,更需提早規劃做準備。本研究目的在探討影響退休理財規劃之主要因素,並探討勞動族群對於不同金融投資商品之偏好。 本研究理論基礎係以五大人格特質、知覺風險分析及知覺行為控制等因素分析,透過各種構面的探討及問卷調查結果的影響,探討這些因素將如何影響退休理財規劃之態度與對投資金融商品選擇之偏好。 研究結果發現不同勞動族群人格特質,顯著影響退休理財規劃因素,知覺風險、知覺行為控制,皆對於勞動族群進行退休理財規劃之理財態度,有顯著正向影響。


According to National Development Council’s data, Taiwan will become an aging society in 2025.With the arrival of the aging-society, regardless of which generation, the most bothering matters in their retirement life are “insufficient of pension fund , serious medical expenses and physical health problems.” Both governments’ pension fund and worker's retirement pension are obviously insufficient to meet living needs. With regard to the public, governments’ pension fund is the main source of the retirement income, but feel short of this income may make the retired life become stressful. Hence, retirement financial planning has become one of the most important issues people have to confront, letting people to prepare their financial plans earlier. This study aims to probe the main factors influencing retirement financial planning, and also to investigate the labor groups’ preference of different financial products. This study is based on The Five Factor Model (FFM), perceived risk analysis and perceived behavior control, by using questionnaire results to explore various dimensions of impacts,in order to find out how these factors may influence peoples’ prefernces toward retirement financial planning and financial products. The result shows that different group of labors, their personality traits may obviously influencing retirement financial planning, whereas perceived risk and perceived behavior control also have significant positive impact on labors’ attitude toward retirement financial planning.


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