  • 學位論文


An Interactive Online Note-taking System to Facilitate Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

指導教授 : 吳坤熹


目前網路上有許多的共同編輯系統,提供學生們上課聽講的同時,能夠多人一同寫下課程筆記。然而,使用這些現有的共同編輯系統時,常常會因為每個人使用環境的不同而造成資訊統整與分享上的困難;即使事先約定在某一套系統上作業,課程筆記的編輯過程中,由於使用同一份筆記,為避免資訊重複被記錄,往往只需要少數幾位學生動手記錄,其餘的學生由於缺乏實際輸入筆記的動作而減少學習上的效果。加上教師在現今的教學上,大多使用投影片的方式來輔助教學,但上述的共同編輯系統卻並未將投影片與教師的角色融進系統中,因此學生無法輕易參考投影片、教師也無法透過系統與每位學生互動來掌握學習情況。這些都是教學與學習上應予以改進的。 本文提出「輔助大學課堂教學之互動式線上共享筆記系統」,將大學課堂中的教師、學生、投影片及筆記等四項元素整合進同一套系統之中,學生間以「共享」筆記的方式來取代「共同」筆記,而教師能夠透過此系統即時觀察每位同學的筆記使用情況,並搭配筆記問答的方式與同學即時互動,提升學習以及教學上的成效。


Nowadays, a lot of collaborative note-taking software tools can be found on the Internet, so many students take their notes with classmates by these tools. However, students often find it difficult to share or organize their notes with others when they are utilizing different tools. Even if all students use the same collaborative note-taking software to edit a document concurrently, usually one student must be designated as the main writer and other students only provide supplementary notes which the main writer does not write down. However, in this scenario, only one student is actively taking notes, while others are less involved. Therefore, retention of learning might be reduced. Meanwhile, if we consider presentation slides as a powerful tool which many teachers use to assist their teaching in class, current collaborative note-taking software did not provide a natural mechanism to incorporate slides. That is, current collaborative note-taking software could not support teaching and learning efficiently. This thesis proposes an interactive online note-taking system to facilitate teaching and learning in higher education. It comprises four elements in classroom teaching including teacher, student, slide, note-taking. It also supports interaction, note sharing, and live broadcasting. Students can “share” notes instead of “collaborating” on notes. With this system, teachers can monitor students’ learning status by their notes. Furthermore, in this system students and teachers can interact with each other by questions and answers. These features will help students and teachers to facilitate teaching and learning.


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[4] Google, “ Google Docs - create and edit documents online, for free”.[Online]. Available: https://www.google.com/intl/zh-TW_tw/docs/about/
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