  • 學位論文


A Teaching Resources-Based Collaborative Mobile Learning System Using Rich Internet Applications

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


本研究建構一個基於Mobile Learning 2.0概念下的行動協同合作學習系統,促使行動協同合作學習環境能提供學習者多元的學習管道及豐富的學習體驗。在以往的協同合作學習過程中,學習者常受限於時空因素及硬體環境,而無線網路及行動裝置的普及為這些限制提供了一個改變的契機,一個無所不在的協同合作學習正趨向建立於行動基礎之上。 目前,全球行動用戶是個人電腦數量的3.5倍,然而現今行動裝置上所發展之行動協同合作學習平台仍難以提供良好的使用者體驗。近年來Web 2.0概念形成一股熱潮也驅使了許多二代概念發展及相關技術的應用,在行動學習領域Mobile Learning 2.0概念被提出並受到重視,試圖提供一個革命性的網路平台以改變學習者以往的學習模式,然而此一概念依然缺乏完整定義及技術架構。 因此,本研究藉由Web 2.0、E-Learning 2.0、Mobile 2.0相關概念的探討及收斂,彙整Mobile Learning 2.0下層概念及支援技術,並提出豐富網際網路行動協同合作學習架構。接著以格網學習為個案實作系統雛型,架構豐富網際網路行動協同合作學習系統;在支援正式學習的部份,以豐富網際路應用程式技術整合即時訊息協定之應用,建置一個行動協同合作學習系統入口網站,讓行動學習者可以在同一平台上無縫的達成協同合作學習;在非正式學習的部份,考量學習環境及學習平台的各種可能限制條件,因此將Mobile Learning 2.0概念中所包含的二個應用技術RSS及Podcast整合於終端裝置的桌面程式,彌補行動協同合作學習系統對網路資源的依賴性。本系統整合了Mobile Learning 2.0概念及技術,它發揮了行動裝置的優勢並克服其限制,讓傳統協同合作學習趨向一個開放的社會化網路並能支援非正式學習。


This study developed a mobile and collaborative learning system based on Mobile Learning 2.0 concept. The system improved collaborative learning environment, which provides multiple learning channels and enriches users learning experience. In the past, collaborative learning was limited by time and space factors. Nowadays, the popularity of hardware, wireless network and mobile devices provide an opportunity to change. A ubiquitous collaborative learning is trending to establish on the basis of mobility. At present, the number of global mobile devices is 3.5 times than the number of personal computers. However, existing mobile collaborative learning platforms could not provide good user experience. In recent years, a number of second-generation concept of development and related technology boom driven by the concept of Web 2.0. In Mobile Learning domain, the concept of Mobile Learning 2.0 was introduced, which is trying to provide a revolutionary network platform to change users previous learning mode. However, this concept does not have a complete definition and technical framework. Therefore, this study developed an Rich Internet mobile collaborative learning framework by researching Web 2.0, E-Learning 2.0, Mobile 2.0 concepts and integrating Mobile Learning 2.0 concept and related technologies. A prototype of collaborative learning system has been developed as the case study of grid. In the formal part of learning system, a mobile collaborative learning portal is developed by Rich Internet Application technologies and Real Time Messaging Protocol, so that users can achieve collaborative learning seamless on the same platform. In the informal part of learning system, RSS and Podcast, which are two of Mobile Learning 2.0 application, were integrated on client side as desktop program in order to reduce the collaborative mobile learning system's dependence of network resources. The system integrates Mobile Learning 2.0 concepts and technologies. It enhanced mobile devices’ advantages and avoided mobile devices’ limitations so that collaborative mobile learning systems trend to an open social network and support informal learning.


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