  • 學位論文


Writing with Cold-blooded, Awakening The People with Cold-eyed: Newspaperman, Novelist Jinghan Chen And The Formation of The World of Late-Qing Publishing

指導教授 : 曾守仁


摘要 晚清國事衰微,列強侵擾。有志之人紛紛援引西式器物與思想,試圖救亡圖存。中國新聞事業在技術的革新與閱讀受眾增加上,得以蓬勃發展,為其論述提供一處溫床。兼具報社主編、評論者與小說家身份的陳景韓是時代的產物,生產出當時膾炙人口的作品,及一針見血地深刻議論。然而在追求文學與政治下,卻逐漸被時代淹沒,在臺灣更未有其專論。故本論文試圖梳理陳景韓及其作品,重新審視其人與晚清民初的互動意義。全文分為五章: 第一章,以「怪人陳景韓」之一生作為開展。但陳景韓自述作品尚少,故本章採取時人評述、息樓中人及報館同事的紀錄為主。 第二章,討論「報人陳冷」身分。論述晚清文人如何利用報刊空間累積象徵資本,將其名望與金錢投入社會中以獲取更多的社會與文化資本。一邊製造更多印刷物,一邊達到建立新國家、新國民性的目標。 第三、四章則將陳景韓小說分論,前者以「啟蒙人冷血」身分為書寫對象,討論其所見及針砭的各種國家問題,以及晚清小說改革國民性之脈絡與策略;後者以「狂人不冷」為題,討論其以「家國寓言」建立新國家的實際做法,並以小說主角為考察對象,試圖建立陳景韓小說中的「狂人系譜」。 第五章,是「冷眼人陳冷」的「未來預言」。因為陳景韓雖然通過《刀餘生傳》及《新西遊記》等對未來世界加以想像,但其同時以陌生化眼光,提前告知讀者可能面對的問題。而這些問題也的確在現代層出不窮的發生。 陳景韓的身份多元,研究者不應僅以其職業為其分類。陳景韓的著作除了救國意義外,其實用主義的思考、對未來的洞見亦應受到論者的再審視。可以說,正是有「冷血作筆、冷眼醒民」的陳景韓,站在時代的斷裂點上承先啟後,方能開啟文學史嶄新的一頁。


Abstract In the late Qing Dynasty, state affairs declined, and the east powers invaded. Aspiring people have invoked Western utensils and ideas in an attempt to save the nation. Chinese journalism has flourished in terms of technological innovation and increased reading audiences, providing a breeding ground for its discourse. As the editor-in-chief, commentator, and novelist of the newspapers, Jinghan Chen is a product of the times, producing works that were popular at the time, and making sharp and in-depth discussions. However, under the pursuit of literature and politics, it has gradually been submerged by the times, and there is no monograph in Taiwan. Therefore, this thesis tries to sort out Jinghan Chen and his literary works, and re-examine the significance of his interaction with the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. The full text is divided into five chapters: The first chapter starts with a life of "Weird Jinghan Chen"(怪人陳景韓). However, Jinghan Chen's autobiographies are still few, so this chapter mainly uses the comments of the current people, the intellectuals in Xi Lou(息樓)and the colleagues of the newspaper. Chapter Two discusses the identity of "Reporter Leng Chen"(報人陳冷). Discuss how intellectuals in the late Qing Dynasty used the space of newspapers and periodicals to accumulate symbolic capital, and invested their fame and money in society to obtain more social and cultural capital. While producing more printed materials, and achieving the goal of establishing a new country and a new national character. The third and fourth chapters divide Jinghan Chen’s novels. The former regards "Enlightener Leng Xie "(啟蒙人冷血)as the object of writing, discussing various national issues he has seen and pinpointed, as well as the context and strategy of the reform of national character in the novels of the late Qing Dynasty; the latter refers to the "Madman Bu Leng"(狂人不冷) as the topic, discuss his actual practice of establishing a new country with "fables of family and country", and use the protagonist of the novel as the object of investigation, trying to establish the "Genealogy of Madman" in Jinghan Chen's novel. Chapter fifth is the "future prophecy" of " Cold-eyed man Chen Leng"(冷眼人陳冷). This is because although Jinghan Chen imagined the future world through "Legend of the Dao yu sheng"(《刀餘生傳》) and "New Journey to the West", he also used the vision of defamiliarization to inform readers of possible problems in advance. And these problems do occur in an endless stream in modern times. Jinghan Chen's identities are diverse, and researchers should not just classify them based on their occupations. In addition to the significance of saving the country, Jinghan Chen's monographs should also be re-examined by critics for his pragmatic thinking and insight into the future. It can be said that it is Jinghan Chen, who has "cold-blooded writing and cold-eyed awakening of the people", standing at the "rupture" of the times and connecting the past to the next and opening a new page in the history of literature.


一、 專書(依作者姓名筆劃排列)
(法)米歇爾‧傅柯著(Michel Foucault),劉北成、楊遠嬰譯:《規訓與懲罰》(北京:三聯書店,1999初版)
(法)皮埃爾‧布爾迪厄著(Pierre Bourdieu),劉暉譯:《藝術的法則:文學場的生成與結構》(北京:中央編譯出版社,2011年)
