  • 學位論文


Economic Security for Taiwanese Families:Interpretation in Life Course and Poverty Dynamic Perspectives

指導教授 : 古允文


研究者長期從事對抗貧窮工作,在工作經驗中經常目睹貧窮家戶生活於社會底層生活的不便,尤其是弱勢家庭的兒童,在生命早期被迫面對生命機會(life chances)遭受剝奪的無奈。這種弱勢(disadvantage)、剝奪(deprivation)與排除(exclusion)的生命歷程(life course),形成生存與適應脆弱化的效果,長遠的影響是,有為數可觀的貧窮兒童(poverty child)長大後成為貧窮大人,因承受弱勢傳遞(disadvantage transmission)而成為世代貧窮(intergenerational poverty)的家庭,形成貧窮的惡性循環在脆弱家庭無法根除的結果。為深入探究世代貧窮的現象,本研究提出以下的研究問題: 一、 台灣的世代貧窮是如何形成?如何存在的? 二、 當台灣經濟起飛時,為何有些家庭未能隨著時代脈絡向上流動,反而持續陷落於貧窮困境? 三、 這些貧窮的家庭的生命故事(life stories)為何?家庭生命史的原因是什麼? 為探究世代貧窮的形成,以及如何影響家庭成員,尤其是兒童,其成長歷程與社會機會的面貌,本研究提出三項研究目的: 一、 檢視在社會快速變遷的過程中,台灣的貧窮兒童及其家庭的生命歷程,並且探究這些生命歷程對於弱勢家庭落入與脫離貧窮的影響。 二、 探究在台灣的傳統文化與社會發展的脈絡下,世代貧窮所產生的弱勢累積(disadvantages accumulation)現象,對貧窮家戶及其成員的生命歷程的影響。 三、 藉由研究方法收集貧窮經驗者對於維護家庭經濟安全體系的意見,並據以作為建構台灣家庭經濟安全政策的參考。 本研究選擇「質性研究」為研究方法,研究取向則運用「生命歷程」研究觀點,對國內世代貧窮現象進行探索研究。研究過程使用半結構性深度訪談(semi-structured in-depth interview ),選取十戶經歷世代貧窮的家庭接受訪談,收集家庭的生命故事,並且蒐集這些家庭的家庭史歷史文件,作為研究資料進行敘事分析。 為達成研究分析的可信性(trustworthiness),本研究採取嚴謹的質性資料收集與分析技術。半結構深度訪談之後,將受訪者經驗重現(representation of experience)的生命故事敘事錄音編碼(coding)為逐字稿(verbatim),運用「敘事分析法(narrative analysis method)」的「類別-內容(categorical-content)」分析技術進行研究分析。同時也運用質性研究資料分析軟體,進行敘說故事的概念化內容分析。兩種分析方法完成後,將分析結果相互對照,歸納成為研究發現。 根據研究資料的分析,發現世代貧窮的關鍵肇因共有五項,分別是教育機會剝奪(deprivation of education)、人力資本不佳(poor human capital)、婚姻關係不良(unhealthy marriage relationship)、生命角色轉化錯亂(inappropriate life roles transition)及先天性疾病或長期病史(congenital diseases)。另外也發現,在世代貧窮的家庭中,存在隔代教養(grandparent families)是貧窮複製的場所,政府與民間的資源無法有效形成脫離貧窮的力量,必須由家庭內部產生對應的接軌能量,發現家庭必須扮演第四部門的角色,內部建構與當代社會常態生活接軌的能量。 研究資料分析的過程,除發現世代貧窮的關鍵肇因,分析中也發現足以影響世代貧窮肇因的兩項優勢因子,分別為「內在能力建構(construction of inner capacities)」及「親職能量(parenting capabilities)」,本研究參考社會資本相關論述,將之概念化為「家庭資本(family capital)」。分析中發現家庭資本的建構存在與否,對世代貧窮肇因的影響程度具關鍵效果,據此提出家庭資本是為世代貧窮的主控性因素的概念。 台灣的社會脈絡中,對貧窮的對抗與治理,是政府與部分民間組織共同關注的議題,不過由於貧窮扶助工作深受「新管理主義」的影響,發現制度性脫貧成為世代貧窮的起點,而世代貧窮家庭的弱勢累積過程,啟動於兒童時期,「兒童貧窮」現象的存在,預示家庭處於世代貧窮的危機。根據研究分析及研究發現,本研究提出解決世代貧窮問題,政府應制訂「生命歷程觀點的社會政策(life-course perspective of social policy)」,針對家庭中的四種人口結構,設計生命歷程取向的政策,本研究的政策建議為: 一、 確保「學習機會」的兒童生命歷程政策; 二、 強調「社會參與」的青年生命歷程政策; 三、 活化「就業帳戶」的單親女性生命歷程政策; 四、 貼補「老人年金」的老年生命歷程政策 由於研究過程發現更多值得深入研究的議題,本研究最後提出四項未來可以世代貧窮為主題研究的建議: 一、 發展貧窮持續於代間傳遞的預測研究; 二、 針對兒童貧窮與世代貧窮的研究; 三、 地理區位的世代貧窮研究;以及 四、 世代貧窮的量化研究。


The researcher has been working to fight poverty for a long time, and therefore has witnessed the disadvantages of poor families living at the bottom of society, especially the children unwillingly deprived of life chances without choice. The life course of disadvantage, deprivation and exclusion causes an effect of weak survival and adaptation. The long-term impact of the effect is that a great many poverty children grow up to be poverty adults who live in intergenerational poverty families assuming the transmission of disadvantage, and consequently vulnerable families cannot break the vicious circle of poverty. The following research questions are raised in this research to deeply explore the phenomenon of intergenerational poverty: 1. How is the intergenerational poverty in Taiwan created? How does it exist? 2. Why were there some families which did not become better off during the period of rapid economic growth in Taiwan but still stayed in poverty? 3. What are the life stories of those poor families? What are the causes of the existence of their family lives? There are three research purposes raised in this research to explore the creation of intergenerational poverty and how it affects the family members, especially the children in terms of growth course and social opportunity as follows: 1. To examine the life course of poverty children and their families in Taiwan in the process of rapid social change, as well as to explore the impact on the life course of disadvantaged families toward falling into or escaping poverty; 2. To explore the impact on the phenomenon of accumulated disadvantages generated by intergenerational poverty toward the life course of poverty families and their family members under the background of Taiwanese traditional culture and social development; 3. To gather opinions on maintaining the system of family economic security from people who have experienced poverty to be a reference for making Taiwan’s family economic security policy. The researcher adopts a qualitative research methodology and uses a ‘life course research perspective’ to explore domestic intergenerational poverty. In addition, the researcher selected and interviewed ten families having experienced intergenerational poverty as well as collected research materials of life stories and family history documents of those families through semi-structured in-depth interview to conduct a narrative analysis. To achieve trustworthiness of the research, the researcher adopts rigorous technology of collecting and analyzing the qualitative data. After the semi-structured in-depth interviews, the recorded narrative representations of the interviewees’ experience of their life stories was transcribed verbatim and coded to facilitate research using the categorical content method of narrative analysis. Meanwhile, the researcher utilizes data analysis software for qualitative research to conduct conceptual analysis. Then, the results of the two analyses were compared to summarize the research findings after the analyses were completed. It is discovered that there are five key causes of intergenerational poverty based on the analysis of research data, including (1) deprivation of education, (2) poor human capital, (3) unhealthy marriage relationship, (4) inappropriate life roles transition and (5) congenital diseases. In addition, it is also discovered that, among families in intergenerational poverty, grandparent families are the places where reproduce poverty. The government and civil society resources cannot effectively help the families escape poverty, but the corresponding linkage capacities generated within the family can help. Therefore, it is found that the families must play the role of the fourth sector to build up the inner capacities for linking the normal life in contemporary society. In the process of analyzing research data, the researcher discovered not only the key causes of intergenerational poverty, but also two advantage factors influencing the causes of intergenerational poverty, which are ‘construction of inner capacities’ and ‘parenting capabilities’. These two advantage factors are conceptualized to be ‘family capital’ with reference to the discourses of social capital. It is also found that whether the construction of family capital exists or not crucially affects the causes of intergenerational poverty. Accordingly the concept of family capital as dominant factor on intergenerational poverty is developed. To fight and govern poverty is an issue both government and some civil organizations have been concerned about in Taiwan society. However, because the work of assisting the poor has been deeply influenced by New Managerialism, it is discovered that institutional escape from poverty initiates intergenerational poverty, and that the process of accumulating disadvantage in families of intergenerational poverty starts in childhood; the existence of ‘child poverty’ forebodes a crisis that the family will fall into intergenerational poverty. Based on the research analysis and findings, the researcher brings forth the solution to the problem of intergenerational poverty, which is that the government should establish a ‘life-course perspective of social policy’ focusing on four types of population in family structure to design a life-course approach. Furthermore, the researcher proposes policy suggestions as follows: 1. Life course policy for child: learning opportunity; 2. Life course policy for youth: social participation; 3. Life course policy for lone-mother: employment account; and 4. Life course policy for senior: old-age pension. Finally, four suggestions for future research related to intergenerational poverty are proposed as follows in view of the fact that many research-worthy problems are found during the research: 1. Studies on predicting development of persistent intergenerational transmission of poverty; 2. Studies focused on child poverty and intergenerational poverty; 3. Studies on geography of intergenerational poverty; and 4. Quantitative studies on intergenerational poverty.


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王中天(2003)。〈社會資本(Social Capital): 概念、源起、及現況〉。《問題與研究》, 42(5), 139-16。
