  • 學位論文


A Study of Lawsuit-Assisted System of Public Servants

指導教授 : 廖俊松


公務人員因公涉訟輔助辦法,是公務人員保障法之授權命令,是一法規範,故以法規範觀檢視,是很自然的事情,但本文擴大視野,以制度之宏觀觀點視之,除法規範觀點外,尚加入政策及管理之觀點,而這個靈感,是來自於David H. Rosenbloom認為公共行政議題,可從政治(策)、管理及法規範等三個觀點論述之。本文以為如此,思考才能周延,問題才能得到徹底的解決,本文是問題導向的,而依此尋找解決問題的理論。 這三個觀點,政策、管理及法規範的主從關係為「政策決定管理」、「管理決定法規範」,是從Ostrom的制度分析架構裡,推導出來的,本文之後的論述,的確出現這種現象。意謂政策是上層概念、管理是中層概念、法規範是下層概念。 在David Halpern《社會資本》的鉅著裡,採鉅觀、中觀及微觀看待社會資本,本文亦採類似觀點,以為政策宜鉅觀觀之、管理宜中觀視之、法規範宜微觀審之。但這此都是相對的概念,因為政策係涉及方向問題,是全面性的,應以鉅觀觀之;管理涉及實行問題,視野比之於政策,稍小些,故以中觀視之;法規範涉及操作問題,視野比之於管理,又略小之,故以微觀審之。 本文是分政策、管理及法規範三層面檢視公務人員因公涉訟輔助辦法,簡述如下: 政策:以政策五階段:政策問題形成、政策規劃、政策合法化、政策執行及政策評估等,加以檢視之。政策問題形成與制度性保障有關、政策規劃與政府照顧原則有關、政策合法化與委任立法有關、政策執行與經費預算之財源有關,而政策評估分別從行政訴訟、經費等問題評估之。 管理:以管理之要素:人、時、經費及事等檢視之。發現人方面管太多、時方面管得好、經費管太多,而事方面則有違組織公平性。 法規範:以法律構成要件:客觀要件─依法執行職務、程序要件─訴訟程序,及主觀要件─無故意與過失等三要件檢視之。 綜合上述的檢視,可得出5項缺失,並依此提出5項建議:提升為法律位階、廢除公務人員與服務機關涉訟,不予補助之規定、涉訟輔助類型可擴充至行政訴訟、構成要件加以統整並明文規定、構成要件內容明文規定等。其中前三項為立法政策問題,後兩項之立法技術問題,如有可能立法政策應優先處理。


Regulations Governing Litigation Aid for Civil Service for Performing Duties is authorization command of Civil Service Protection Act, it is a legal norms, so as to legal norms outlook view, is a very natural thing, but this article to expand the field of vision, a macro point of view the system of visual, the division specification view, but still added to the policy and management point of view, and this inspiration from David H. Rosenbloom believes public administration issues, can be discussed from three points of the politics (policy), management and law norms. This paper argues that such thinking can be circumspect, the problem can be completely solved, this article is problem-oriented, and so to find the theoretical solution to the problem. These three points, the main standard policy, management and law from the relationship "policy decision management", "management decisions law norms", from the institutional framework Ostrom's analysis, the deduced, discussed herein after, this does appear phenomenon. The concept means that policy is the upper, middle management is the concept of legal norms is the underlying concept. In David Halpern "social capital" masterpiece, the mining giant outlook, meso and micro view of social capital, this paper has taken a similar view, that policy should macroscopic view, management should be in the viewing, the legal norms should microscopic examination of . But this concept is relative, because the policy direction of the Department relates to the issue, is comprehensive, should macroscopic of view; management issues related to the implementation, in the field of vision than the policy, slightly smaller, so to neutralize the viewing of; law regulates issues related to the operation, in the field of vision than the management, but also the smaller, so to the microscopic examination. This article is divided policy, regulatory and legal norms three-level civil servants from the public to view the suit assisted approach, summarized as follows: Policy: A five-stage policy: policy formation, policy planning, legalization policy, policy implementation and policy evaluation, to be of the view. Policy issues related to the formation and institutional safeguards, Policy Planning and the government to take care of principles, policies and delegated legislation related to legalization, financial resources and the implementation of policies relating to the budget, and policy evaluation assessed separately from the administrative proceedings, funding and other issues. Management: Management elements: people, time, funds, and other views of the matter. It found that people respect it too much, when the terms of tube well funded it too much, but things are contrary to the terms of organizational fairness. Law specification: Elements of the law: the objective elements - performing their duties, program requirements- the proceedings, and the subjective view of the requirements - no intentional negligence and other three elements. Comprehensive view of the above, can be drawn from five missing, and so put forward five recommendations: to enhance the legal hierarchy, the abolition of civil servants and service agencies the suit, not the provisions of the grant, the suit can be expanded to assist type of administrative litigation, Components integration and be expressly provided, Components and other content expressly provided. Of which the first three legislative policy issues, legislative technical problems of the latter two, if possible legislative policies should have priority.


