  • 學位論文


The Internationalization Strategy of Small-Medium Enterprises in Taiwan-Based Machine Manufacturing Firms

指導教授 : 林欣美


觀看台灣過去50多年來的經濟發展,除了歸功於政府審慎之經濟政策與環境配合得宜外,實際創造「台灣經濟奇蹟」的,卻是國內的民間企業,尤其是中小企業。過去50多年來,企業從小本經營一路成長到現在穩定中求創新的大企業,在這個循序漸進的階段中,企業也面臨了許多策略上及技術上的問題。如何擬定合適的技術取得策略以持續技術上的成長,這也是所有產業最重要的課題。此外,隨著大陸、東歐等新興市場起飛,這些開發中國家對工具機械有很強的需求,台灣所生產的工具機械具有高性價比,極有機會席捲全球市場,將塑橡膠機械製造廠的品牌逐步拓展到海外各地,歷經四、五十年的努力與研發創新,無論是產業規模、產品品質、品牌知名度,台灣已成為塑橡膠機械生產及出口大國,在國際市場上,佔有舉足輕重的地位。 經濟全球化為台灣中小企業發展提供了難得的機遇,並要積極參與國際分工,就必須走向世界,但是在走向世界的同時,也必須仔細思考什麼才是自己國際化的目的、自己企業內部的核心資源是什麼、做好自己的國際化策略或戰略的準備嗎?也因此在國際化動作中,如何選擇正確的海外市場進入策略就顯得格外重要,要採用怎樣的進入策略與企業核心資源、國際化策略、企業服務內容與產品等等之間的關係與互動已不是單純不變的環結,而是隨著市場變動不停變化的,也因此動態性調整就成為一個很重要的課題。 因此本研究就以進入策略的學術理論做為基礎,再結合個案公司實務上塑膠機械製造業海外發展經驗,整合一套適於相關中小企業的海外市場進入策略供企業參考。以研究結論來看,因為產品與服務的特性關係,較易偏向採用較高承諾度的資源投入方式,將營業拓展至海外市場;除此之外,在地化的深耕發展也是必需要走的一條路,而且因為隨著地主國市場的投入,對地主國市場的熟悉度也會漸漸增加,也因此會在地主國市場進行一系列動態性的營運策略調整。這裡所謂的營運策略,不僅僅只是產品策略或市場策略,甚至整個市場的進入策略也會隨之調整,譬如說由獨資的進入策略轉變為合資的模式。


As today’s global economic and social development needs continue to change, the Small-Medium Enterprises’s global economic requirement change has gradually become more obvious. Economic globalization has brought along excellent opportunities to the development of our national Small-Medium Enterprises; to actively participate one’s industry in the international division of labor, one will have to proceed toward the outer world;meanwhile, one must also carefully consider the purpose of one’s internationalization, the core resources of one’s inner enterprise, and whether one is prepared with a proper internationalization strategy. Consequently, knowing how to correctly select suitable foreign markets and entry strategies to be incorporated into the strategy is exceptionally critical in the process of internationalization, and in addition to that, the decision as to how the foreign markets should enter into the strategy, the enterprise’s core competence, internationalized strategy, the service content and product of the enterprise and etc., the relationship and interactivity between the each are no longer simple and invariable connections; instead, they are now constantly varied in accordance with the market change, and as a result, dynamic adjustment has became a very important topic today. The following study will use the academic theories for the process of foreign market entry strategies as the fundamental base and on top of that, the practical aspect based on personal experiences of small-medium enterprises’s foreign market developments; these will be combined into a set that is applicable to industries for the foreign market entry strategies, suitable for enterprises’ reference.


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