  • 學位論文


The Local Society of HuaiSi, Huainan, Jingnan and Political Situation during the Han-Jin Period

指導教授 : 趙立新


從漢末到西晉時期,是魏晉南北朝從統一走向分裂的開端。在漢代的皇權逐漸沒落之際,地方上的地域社會卻有長足的發展,憑藉著同鄉意識、同個實際生活場域,進一步形成地域集團或稱共同體,其領導者通常被稱作豪族、大家族(大姓)。 他們在漢末政治混亂的中,取代了日益衰落的政府公權力,以維護地方上的秩序。此外,這些豪族時常在漢末的各個軍閥與政權之中擺盪。隨著三國分立的事態逐漸形成,這些豪族又重新被納入到了地方行政的體系(州、郡、縣)之中。直到西晉時期,一些豪族消失了;另一些豪族仍在地方上存續;又有一些豪族脫離了地方,進入到首都洛陽成為了真正意義上的貴族。 漢末時期淮泗、淮南、荊南地區的豪族。三地都是經過漢化發展的地域社會。另外,當遭遇戰亂的發生,難民們會選擇這三個地方以遠離衝突與死亡。對於漢末以來的諸政權來說,這三個地方擁有豐富的人力資源,所以也是各個政權、軍閥常常爭取的對象,因此政權、軍閥們對淮泗、淮南、荊南地區採取一系列的措施。然而實施的政策,也大大改變了當地社會的樣貌。故藉由本文觀察到淮泗、淮南、荊南三地漢末豪族在漢晉時期的相貌與演變。


地域社會 地域集團 漢晉之間 豪族 淮泗 淮南 荊南


From union to division of late Easten Han to Jin Dynasty, which was the beginning of the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties. When The centralization system of Easten Han fell apart, local society also evolved. local society depend on the same townsman and same live area. Who is named local society or community, their leaders usually as known as “Haozu’’(豪族), “powerful family’’(大家族、大姓). In the chaos of late Han dynasty, these Haozu took the place of government to maintain local order of every region. At the same time, Haozu shifted between different warlords and separatist politics with changing political climate. As the Three Kingdoms goes on, Haozu were subsumed into the system of local administration(province州, commandery郡, county縣)again. Until Western Jin dynasty, some of Haozu had already disappeared, others still existed, the others turned into aristocrats. During the late Easten Han Dynasty, the Haozu of Huaisi, Huainan, Jingnan which three regions went through the acculturation of Han in Han Dynasty, where had already belonged to local societies. Another, when war was broken out, refugees had chosen three regions to escaped from conflict and death. As to warlords and separatist politics during the late Han Dynasty, three regions had frequently competed for plentiful people, so warlords and separatist politics took a series of policies, which changed the whole appearance of three local societies. We could observe the variety and development of Haozu in Huaisi, Huainan, Jingnan during the Han to Jin Dynasty.


local society local community Han-Jin period Haozu Huaisi Huainan Jingnan


一、 史料
(一) 經部(成書年代較早者排前)
2. 黃侃著;黃焯輯;黃延祖重輯,《爾雅音訓》,北京:中華書局,2007。
