  • 學位論文


The Study of the Effects on Emotional Management Group Therapy for Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 張玉茹


本研究旨在探討情緒管理團體諮商方案對國小兒童情緒管理的立即性和延宕性的輔導效果。 本研究採等組前後測設計,研究對象為國小六年級兒童十六名,隨機分派至實驗組和控制組各八名。實驗組接受每週二次,每次四十分鐘,共十二次的實驗處理,而控制組兒童則不接受任何實驗處理。研究者以「國小兒童情緒能力量表」為研究工具,所得資料以單因子共變數分析進行統計考驗,以探討實驗處理的效果。此外,研究者整理歸納單元活動回饋單、團體總回饋單、成員訪談及教師訪談等作為質化資料的分析,以作為研究結果的佐證及輔助。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、情緒管理團體諮商方案對於提昇國小六年級兒童之情緒管理,在「國小兒童情緒能力量表」總分及「情緒表達能力」、「情緒轉換能力」、「情緒管理能力」及「情緒自主能力」分量表得分上具有立即輔導效果。但在「情緒調節能力」未具有立即輔導效果。 二、情緒管理團體諮商方案對於提昇國小六年級兒童之情緒管理,在「國小兒童情緒能力量表」總分及「情緒轉換能力」、「情緒管理能力」、「情緒調節能力」及「情緒自主能力」分量表得分上具有延宕輔導效果。但在「情緒表達能力」未具有延宕輔導效果。 三、經由團體單元回饋單、團體總回饋單,以及成員、導師的談訪,得知情緒管理團體諮商方案之實施有正向的回饋與持高度肯定的態度。 最後,根據本研究結果的發現進行討論並提出若干建議,以提供學校輔導與諮商實務工作者,及未來研究之參考。


The research was to investigate the immediate and follow-up counseling effects on the program of emotional management group therapy for elementary school students. This research adopted equivalent pretest-posttest experimental design. The research targets included sixteen grade 6 students. They were randomly assigned to the experimental group or the control group. The experimental pupils received 12 experimental treatments in total, 40 minutes for each treatment and twice a week, however, the control group didn’t have to take any experiments. The research used “Emotional Competence Scale for children” as the tool of measuremental and the obtained Data was proved in statistic by using analysis of covariance(ANCOVA). Besides, the analysis of qualitative data from the feedback sheets, feedback list of group, students’ interviews, and teachers’ interviews were applied to collect other related information. The main finding of this research were described as follows: 1.Emotional management group program had immediate counseling effects on the emotional competence of sixth graders in “Emotional Competence Scale for children”, “emotional expressive competence”, “emotional transformative competence”, “emotional managerial competence” ,and “emotional autonomy competence” in particular. But did not have immediate effects in relation to the “Emotional regulation competence”. 2. Emotional management group program had follow-up counseling effects on the emotional competence of sixth graders in “Emotional Competence Scale for children”, “emotional transformative competence”, “emotional managerial competence”, “Emotional regulation competence “ ,and “emotional autonomy competence” in particular. But did not have follow-up counseling effects in relation to the “emotional expressive competence”. 3.According to the feedback sheets , interviews from teachers and students they gave positive evaluations and feedback of the activity. It’s helpful for them. Finally, according to the results of the research and put some suggestions to be applied in school counseling and to be referred to future studies.


方紫薇、馬宗潔(譯)(2011)。團體心理治療的理論與實務(原作者:Yalom , I. D.)。臺北市:桂冠。
