  • 學位論文


Simplicity and Inertia in Competitive Repertoire:An Empirical Study of the Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 駱世民


台灣自2001年通過金融控股公司法,至今十幾個年頭且設立了16家金融控股公司,期間透過一連串的競爭互動過程達到今日我們所見之態勢。本研究想了解是什麼原因會使得這樣的差距產生,探討造成各金融控股公司績效高低的現象。 本研究以2002年至2011年間已上市櫃之14家金融控股公司作為研究樣本,且使用此10年間的縱橫資料進行實證分析。透過將聯合知識庫之新聞依照編碼表進行戰術性行動與策略性行動的分類。其中,戰術性行動包括:人力資源、企業社會責任、產品服務(銀行/保險/證券/其他)、價格促銷及非價格促銷共計八項;而策略性行動則包括:金控設立與上市櫃、併購、策略聯盟、異業多角化、國際化(中國/非中國)、資本結構變動、投資結構變動、公司治理、高階經營管理、IT建置、實體通路及虛擬通路共計十三項。本研究發現於這段期間,14家金控執行之行動總數為4,478則約占金控相關新聞則數的15.7%。 本研究採用動態競爭觀點來探討決策組合之簡化、決策組合之慣性、市場多樣性以及市場成長性對廠商績效的影響,以及市場多樣性與市場成長性在簡化與慣性對績效影響的干擾效果。實證結果如下:就簡化的部分,本研究發現當期戰術性決策組合的簡化對當期績效有正向影響;前一期策略性決策組合的簡化對當期績效有負向影響。就慣性的部分,前一期策略性決策組合的慣性對當期績效有負向影響。就外部產業層級的部分,當期市場多樣性對金融控股公司的當期績效為顯著的負向影響。最後,是干擾效果的部分,市場多樣性會弱化戰術性的決策組合簡化對績效的影響,且市場成長性會弱化戰術性與策略性的決策組合簡化對績效的影響。而市場多樣性會弱化戰術性的決策組合慣性對績效的影響。


競爭動態 決策組合 簡化 慣性


This study uses a recent 10-year panel data of 14 financial holding companies which have been listed or OTC in Taiwan, from 2002 to 2011.We divided the actions which we observed from the news into tactical actions and strategic actions. In this study, we use the dynamic competition perspective to explore how these factors, the simplicity of competitive repertoire, the inertia of competitive repertoire, the diversity of market, the market growth, to impact the firm’s performance. At the same time, we discuss about the moderating effect of market diversification and market growth. According to empirical result, on the part of simplicity, the current simplicity of tactical repertoire is positively associated with current firm’s performance. But last-year simplicity of strategic repertoire is negatively associated with current firm’s performance. And on the part of inertia, last-year inertia of strategic repertoire is negatively associated with current firm’s performance. On the part of the external industry level, the diversity of market is negatively associated with current firm’s performance. Last, on the part of moderating effect, the diversity of market negatively moderates the influence of the simplicity of tactical repertoire on firm’s performance. And the market growth negatively moderates the influence of the simplicity of tactical and strategic repertoire on firm’s performance. The diversity of market negatively moderates the influence of the inertia of tactical repertoire on firm’s performance.


