  • 學位論文


Exploring the Business Model and Resource Evolution of Microenterprise—An Action Research

指導教授 : 陳小芬


企業於電子商務的發展迅速之下,網路微型創業的進入門檻降低,相關議題也越 顯得重要。微型企業的資本額相較於其它類型的企業來的低,且具有「資本小、力量 分散、體質弱」的缺陷,若要在這樣的情況下運行微型企業所規劃的商業模式,是較 為困難的。本研究使用行動研究法,並以研究者自身在學時期進行微型創業為研究個 案,討論資源與商業模式在微型創業的發展歷程中會遇到的問題及對問題的調整。本 研究將個案分為三個階段,第一階段為研究者在學期間所建置與經營旅遊討論區至離 開學校後,此階段因資源緊縮致使網站主題做大幅度轉換。第二階段,將以大創百貨 商品討論區作為主要營運的網站,但也因為人力資源等不足,迫使需結束討論區的運 作。到了最後一個階段,因前面兩個階段所累積的無形資源與其他資源的緊縮,使得 研究者從網站經營轉變為成為以網站建置與行銷服務為主要的營運項目。經過三個階 段的分析後,本研究發現微型企業資源限制,改變提供服務的項目與傳遞服務的方式, 進而影響整個商業模式的運行,其次,學生在學期間建立微型企業,雖然營利不多, 但卻能累積無形資源,例如:創業所對應的知識與經驗等,就機會成本而言,在學創 業比起踏入職場再行創業,前者較具有優勢,也為往後創業奠定基礎。目前對於微型 企業的資源理論與相關學說並不充足,政府、學者可投入更多心力在該領域上,發展 更多對於微型企業有利的政策與學說。


Under the rapid development of e-commerce, it is easily to start the micro internet enterprise business because of the lower entry threshold, and the relevant issues seem to be more important than before. The investment funds of micro internet entrepreneur are compared to be lower than other different businesses, characterizing “less capital, loose strength, and self-weakness” as its deficiency so that it is much more difficult to implement micro enterprise business model. A case study is presented to discuss what will be the encountered problems of resources and business models and how to adjust it while developing micro business via action research. In this study, the studied case will be divided into three stages. First stage is to build a tourism forum during learning period at school. In this stage, subject of website had been substantially changed over and over because of resource constraint. On the second stage, DAISO Products Forum was built as the main operating site. Lacking of human resources, the operation was forced to be end. Causing by accumulation of intangible resources and constraint of other resources, on the final stage, researcher had to turned website operation into site-building and marketing service as main idea toward operating. After the analyzing from three stages, it is found that resource constraints in micro business changed service content and the way service delivered by, and even the entire business model may be changed. Secondly, students could get accumulated intangible resources during school time for building micro enterprise and having their own business with less set-up cost. It takes more advantage to start a business during school time than after graduation. This study provides an opportunity for government and scholars to put better effort in this researching issue, developing more policy and doctrine which can benefit to micro enterprise business.


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