  • 學位論文


Ethnic Contact and Ethnic Identity of Aboriginal Adolescent:A Study of Junior High School Students of Ren-ai and Pu-li Township,Nantou County

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


本研究之研究目的旨在探討原住民族青少年之族群接觸與族群認同之關聯性,並檢視影響族群認同之相關因素,最後就研究結果與研究發現,提出未來相關研究與實務之相關建議。本研究之研究方法使用自填問卷以集體施測的方式進行資料蒐集,以全體南投縣仁愛鄉及埔里鎮原住民族國中生為對象,總共蒐集有效樣本643位,回收率為89.7%。 主要研究發現有:一、區位空間、時間(年級)、族群人口規模等因素對原住民族青少年之族群接觸有影響。二、區位間(原鄉與非原鄉)的移動不僅促使族群間的接觸互動頻率增加,同時提升族群認同之程度。三、原住民族青少年間的正向族群接觸互動經驗能提升族群認同。四、原鄉與非原鄉之原住民族青少年在族群認同要素的表現上不盡相同。五、來自原漢雙親家庭的原住民族青少年在族群認同程度上較低。六、部落居住經驗確實能提升原住民族青少年的族群認同程度。 基於以上的研究結果,本研究提供研究與實務相關建議如下: 一、在研究建議方面:(一)釐清原住民族青少年主要接觸對象為同族之原因。(二)可進一步探討性別在族群接觸及族群認同差異之原因。(三)可從族群認同對族群接觸之角度來加以探討。 二、在實務建議方面:(一)學校應積極施行學校社會工作與族群教育,促進族群間的良性互動。(二)學校可在相關社團活動或課程安排上讓原住民族青少年有更多集體互動的機會。(三)對於原漢雙裔之原住民族青少年,在政策上或教育上應肯定其原漢文化兼容並蓄之特點,以讓跨族群家庭當中的原住民族青少年用更正向的態度來看待本身的族群身分議題。


The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the relationship between ethnic contact and ethnic identity of aboriginal adolescent and examine the relevant factors. According to the result of the study, we provide some suggestions for policy and work. After surveyed 4 junior high school in Ren-ai and Pu-li township, this study collected 643 samples, completed 89.7% by group measurement survey. The research findings are as follows: 1. space, time, ethnic scale all affected the ethnic contact of aboriginal adolescent. 2. the spatial movement of aboriginal adolescent not only increased the contact interaction frequency, but also promoted the degree of ethnic identity. 3. the interactive experience of ethnic contact among aboriginal adolescent can promote ethnic identity. 4. diversity of ethnic identity factors lie in between aboriginal adolescent who reside in native land/non native land. 5. adolescents came from the Aboriginal-Han intermarriage family who had lower ethnic identity. 6. the tribe residence experience could promoted the degree of aboriginal adolescent’s ethnic identity. Base on the results of this thesis, it is suggested that: 1.About future studies, (1)who can defines clearly further why aboriginal adolescent major contact with the consanguineous. (2)who can discuss further how the gender factor between the ethnic contact and ethnic identity . (3)who can study from the point of view with ethnic identity how to affect the ethnic contact 2. About the practice, (1)they should execute the ethnic education positively, and promote positive interaction between ethnic groups’ in the school. (2)they should arrange extracurricular activities for the aboriginal adolescent to have more collective interaction opportunity in the school. (3) they should unfold positive attitude towards adolescent of Aboriginal-Han Biethnics in policy and education , that can make them use positive attitude to regard themselves’ ethnic identity .


陳漢瑛(2008)。臺灣原住民青少年用藥行為之結構模式:族群認同、人格特質、社會學習、用藥信念等影響因素。國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系教育心理學報,39 (3) :335-354。


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