  • 學位論文

社區照顧關懷據點轉型C+級巷弄長照站可行性之研究 —以基督教長老教會為例

Feasibility of Transforming Community Care Station into Long-Term Care Station C+: Case Study of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃源協


本研究旨在了解教會型社區照顧關懷據點服務轉型長照2.0之C+級巷弄長照站的可行性,使用SWOT分析來了解教會以及地方政府執行方式。本研究採用質性研究進行,並以立意取樣及深度訪談法,選擇有執行過社區照顧關懷據點經驗者與已轉型C+巷弄長照站得教會以及公部門主責人、委外輔導設立之單位,共計6人做深入訪談。 研究發現教會轉型C+級巷弄長照站中有其優勢,除了場地與在地化優勢也有其財源充足未必需要仰賴政府經費才能投入,而劣勢主要因教會普遍貴乏專業人力導致流動率高、缺乏志工整合運用能力、缺乏老化意識更缺乏社區照顧服務實務經驗,有立即辦理或轉型C+級巷弄長照站的困難。與政府攜手合作的機會可提高能見度,也使服務更多元不需侷限服務單位。也發現政府單位執行上的問題除了推諉卸責與政策穩定度不足更有地方勢力的介入,增加教會轉型上的困難。依據研究發現與結果非別給予政府部門與教會提出以下建議︰ 一、 政府單位:與長老教會溝通與協調建立出合適的SOP流程,協助輔導教會轉型與設立上的困難與解決問題。 二、 長老教會:應先盤點社區資源、設立社區照顧專戶並在牧者培訓課程增加社工專業項目,使教會可以完善的整合運用提供良好服務。


The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of transforming church-affiliated community care centers into long-term care stations C+ in alleys and lanes of the Long-Term Care 2.0. SWOT analysis was applied to analyze the implementation of this plan by churches and the local government. Based on a qualitative approach and purposive sampling, this study conducted in-depth interviews with people involved in operating a community care station, managers of church-transformed long-term care stations C+ in alleys and lanes, managers in the public department, and the advisory institutions commissioned by the government. A total of six people were interviewed. Results showed that church-transformed long-term care stations C+ in alleys and lanes have their strengths. In addition to being local and having an adequate place, they have reliable fund sources and do not necessarily need the government’s financial support to provide care services. Their weaknesses include a high turnover rate resulting from a shortage of professionals, lack of a volunteers integration ability, lack of aging consciousness, and lack of practical experiences of community care, all of which are barriers to immediate transformation into or operation of a long-term care station C+ in alleys and lanes. Through collaboration with the government, they can increase their visibility and provide more diverse services, including those which might be available at only specific locations before. This study also found that in addition to responsibility shirking and insufficient policy stability, intervention of local powers is also a factor that has increased the difficulty of church transformation. Based on findings, this study provided suggestions to government departments and churches as follows: 1. Government departments: Communicate with Presbyterian churches to develop an appropriate standardized operating procedure (SOP) and assist churches in solving problems that they have encountered in transformation into and establishment of a Tier C+ long-term care station in alleys and lanes. 2. Presbyterian churches: Conduct an inventory of community resources first, set up a dedicated account of community care, and add professional courses on social work in pastor training. All of these will be helpful for churches to integrate resources and provide better care services.


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