  • 學位論文


Valuing the Variety of Biodiversity

指導教授 : 葉家瑜


台灣擁有豐富的生物多樣性,由於其未知的社會價值,將會降低生物多樣性的保存誘因,造成生物多樣性社會福利的遺失,故本研究以條件評估法(contingent valuation method)瞭解大眾為保護生物多樣性所願意的支付價值(willingness to pay)。然而,因一般大眾對生物多樣性的認知並不完整,且不夠具體,因此調查過程提供受訪者充分的生物多樣性之相關價值訊息,並且配合政府實際保育推動方案,才詢問受訪者對生物多樣性保育的願意出價。 本研究使用Tobit模型估計受訪者對台灣生物多樣性的平均願付價值約為新台幣$1,542元,估計國人願意支付$273.9億元台幣保存台灣之生物多樣性。由研究結果得知,受訪者曾聽過生物多樣性一詞且擁有生物多樣性知識的,或受訪者對台灣生物多樣性的減少較關心者,在生物多樣性的保存上有較高的願付價值;家戶單位年所得較高且同時擁有較高教育與生物多樣性的知識,則在生物多樣性的保存上有較高的偏好。 因生物多樣性的功能廣泛,對人類生活的影響層面廣泛,因此一般大眾不容易區分其各層面之價值,本研究應用分析層級程序法(analytic hierarchy process)導出大眾心中對生物多樣性各類經濟價值的相對權重比例,以瞭解大眾對不同層面的重要程度。結果得知受訪者較重視生物多樣性的非使用價值(如保存價值及遺產價值),並且推估國人願意支付$93.6億台幣來保存台灣生物多樣性之非使用價值,顯示非使用價值在生物多樣性評估中所扮演的重要角色,表達出民意輕重緩急的優先順序,提供政策擬定方向。


There are abundant biological resources in Taiwan. However, these values are unclear and lack of assessments to denote their importance to the society, which may cause the general public pay too little attention and put too less effort on preserving and protecting the biodiversity in the islands. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the biodiversity from the public point of view since the national policies should follow the general attitude. This study uses contingent valuation method to reveal the social willingness to pay for protecting biodiversity. Nevertheless, many researches have shown that biodiversity may just a word of concept than a clear thought on the meanings to the public. Accordingly, the adopted survey focuses on providing the economic information on various biodiversity functions in order to let the respondents have a better understanding for eliciting a more reliable value on the goods. The Tobit model is applied to estimate that the willingness to pay is about $1,542 NT dollars per person for protecting biodiversity in Taiwan, and is about $27.39 billion NT dollars from the whole society. The results show that respondents who have heard and know about biodiversity tend to pay more to preserve the biodiversity. Respondents who have higher concern with the reduction in species diversity tend to have higher willingness to pay for biodiversity. Also those respondents who have higher education and knowledge in biodiversity seem to have higher preference on biodiversity. Furthermore, this research also shows the relatively importance among various functions of biodiversity in economic values by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The results show that the respondents pay more attention on the non-use value of biodiversity, revealing its important role in the biodiversity assessment. It is estimated that people are willing to pay about $9.36 billion NT dollars for protecting the non-use value of biodiversity in Taiwan. The valuation provides the priority and benefits assessment of biodiversity from public opinion for policy makers to take into consideration.


周昌弘、江友中,2000。生物多樣性的詮釋。蔣鎮宇、許再文編「濕地生物多樣性研討會論文集」,行政院農委會特有生物研究保育中心,國立成功大學編印 。
