  • 學位論文


Cognitive Analysis of Labor Dispute between Taiwanese Enterprises and Local Laborers in Vietnam

指導教授 : 龔宜君
共同指導教授 : 黃煒能(Wei-Neng Huang)


隨著中國勞工工資、土地成本逐漸上揚以及美中貿易戰不斷升溫,全球生產鏈逐漸轉移至東南亞國家,而越南擁有低廉的勞動薪資和土地成本並積極擁抱外資,儼然成為新興亞洲代工廠,吸引全球跨國企業投資。但在越南深耕的台商工廠,卻在經營的過程中不斷地碰到在地勞工的頻繁抗爭,面對勞資爭議的認知是否真的為他們口中所述,勞工抗爭像流感一樣週期性發生不必在意?反之,對於在地勞工來說,能穩定工作拿到工資養家餬口是最好的選擇,但為何會不計較後果起身反抗或是私下抵抗,在地勞工對於勞資爭議的認知又是如何呢? 本文使用社會判斷理論(Social Judgment Theory, SJT),先以深度訪談取得勞資雙方的第一手資料,再透過扎根理論逐級編碼分析,結合文獻整理交叉比對,整理出勞資爭議的三大面向,「經濟利益」、「管理共識」、「勞資互動關係」並作為決策參考變數,以SJT問卷進行越南台商與在地勞工的認知分析,經統計軟體Policy PC 分析判斷,勞資雙方對於這三項決策參考變數的權重分配。 研究結果發現勞資雙方都認為「經濟利益」、「管理共識」、「勞資互動關係」這三項決策參考變數越高/好,越不可能發生勞資爭議,雙方「經濟利益」的相對權重平均值最高,資方達49.47,勞方達38.42,而勞方同樣重視「勞資互動關係」,相對權重平均值達36.17,代表勞方同時重視「經濟利益」與「勞資互動關係」這兩項,資方則是僅側重於「經濟利益」。


With the growth of cost in Chinese labor, land costs, and the heating issue in the trade war between China and the USA, the global production chain has turned to Southeast Asian countries. Vietnam, in specific, has its advantage in low labor costs and land costs, which make the country a preferable choice for manufacturing factories. Yet, Taiwanese Enterprises in Vietnam have brought out their concerns towards the continuous protests from the local laborers. Should we blatantly accept this accusation as a norm and ignore the factor behind the status quo? Are labor strike like a seasonal virus that is unpreventable? It has brought to our attention the oddness of the reason behind their opposition. The stable source of income from working should be the best solution for their needs. Thus why do the labors insist on resisting the enterprises regardless? What are the means behind the constant dispute? This thesis is done via the Social Judgement Theory, known as the SJT. We interview both labor and management to obtain original sources. Then the interview content is analyzed according to the Grounded Theory. After cross-comparison between our analysis result and the existed literature, we have concluded three factors: economic benefits, management consensuses, and labor-management interactive relations. We take the three factors into examination and conduct an SJT survey targeting the mindsets between the Taiwanese managers and the Vietnamese local workers. Then we run the collected results through a software, named Policy PC, to determine the weight distributions of the reference variables. It is concluded from our research that both parties believe that the more greatness of the variability of the mentioned three factors, economic benefits, management consensuses, and labor-management interactive relations, would contribute to a more steady and peaceful working experience. The highest average weight is in the economic benefits, with 49.47 on the enterprise party and 38.42 on the labor party. The second most important for the laborers are in the labor-management interactive relations where the average value is at 36.17. This research indicates that the laborers emphasize both economic benefits and labor-management interactive relations while the enterprises only focus more on the economic benefits.


一、 中文部分
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