  • 學位論文

住家運動環境、運動習慣與身體活動量之相關性分析 -以台中市國中生為例

Investigating the Relationships among Residential Environment, Exercise Habit and Physical Activity of Junior High School Students in Taichung, Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉家瑜


本研究主要探討居家附近運動場所與青少年身體活動量之相關性,透過問卷方式收集台中都會區國中一年級至三年級學生的資料,資料內容包含運動場所及運動目的和社會經濟背景等,並藉由地理資訊系統測量住家400公尺內的運動環境。本研究透過Hausman檢測資料發現青少年運動場所與身體活動量存在內生性,因此採用客觀環境變數作為工具變數,以Treatment Effect Model和Bivariate Probit Model進行迴歸分析。研究結果顯示青少年住家400公尺內學校數量越多,較易養成青少年去學校運動的習慣,又習慣在學校運動的學生有較高身體活動量,且習慣在學校運動的青少年較能達到國民健康局建議的身體活動量標準。透過本研究可知學校對青少年而言是重要的運動場所,建議政府在學校場所規劃充足且合適的青少年運動設施,以幫助青少年運動習慣的養成,提升青少年身體活動量,預防肥胖並促進健康。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among residential environment, exercise habit, and physical activity of adolescents. This data includes exercise places, exercise purpose andsocial/economic information from surveying the junior high school students in Taichung metropolitan area. The data ofresidential sport environment is objective and estimated by Geographic Information System. However, the data indicates that there is an endogeneity problem between theexercise habitofsport places and the amount of physical activity. We use the objective sport environment as the instrumental variable to adjust this endogeneity problem.The Treatment Effect Model and Bivariate Probit Model are applied for the regression analysis in this study. The results show that the more schools in the residential neighborhood of the adolescents, the more possible adolescents choose to exercise in schools.Compared to adolescents who are not doing excerise in schools, adolescents who exercise in schools have higher amounts of physical activity.Additionally, exercising in schools is also one of the important factors to achievethe physical activity level recommended by the department of Health.As can be seen, the school is an important leisure and sport place to the adolescents. Therefore, this study suggests that the government should provide sufficient and appropriate facilitiesin schools to promote the importance ofhaving sports habits, as well as to increase the amount of physical activityfor health.


一、 中文文獻
