  • 學位論文


A Study of Social Enterprise Operation –Case of Four Indigenous Tribes in Taitung Area

指導教授 : 黃源協


本研究目的旨在瞭解社會企業型組織,在臺東的原鄉部落經營模式及其歷程,主要關注的焦點在於不同運作模式下的組織,在面對阻礙與考驗時的因應策略及對當地所產生的影響力,並依據研究結果提出相關建議。本研究採用質性研究方法進行,透過立意取樣邀請四個組織20位工作者進行個人深度訪談。主要研究發現如下: 1.由組織的發展歷程發現:創辦動機皆始於部落問題與回應需求,與非營利組織是唇齒相依的生命共同體,而政府在組織經營中所扮演的角色是推動者亦可能是摧毀者。 2.由受訪組織的運作模式發現:偏左公益型組織,財務壓力主要來自福利支出過於龐大;偏右商業型組織,過度依賴政府資源及員工向心力不足為其隱憂;中間型運作模式,是為最理想型的社會企業亦最難達到。 3.社會企業與部落關係緊密:組織在部落所產生的影響力,不限於只是組織內部員工,擴及整個部落與社區居民,除了經濟生活的改善之外,更提升居住環境品質與活絡地方產業。 承前述研究發現,本研究分別對政府、欲創業者、社會企業經營者、部落型社會企業經營者提出建議: 1.對政府的建議:未制定專法前,藉社企之名行營利之實的組織會愈來愈多,政府應正視這些亂現,盡快擬定社會企業專法,以利社會企業正常發展。 2.對欲創業者的建議:須評估現有資源與能力及欲解決何種問題?更對新事物有高敏感度與接受度,才能創造出新穎與獨特的產品構思。 3.對社會企業經營者的建議:組織須以企業化的管理來完成社會使命,同時必須以產品品質及品牌來經營組織,並將財務資訊透明化公開。 4.對部落社會企業經營者的建議:須考量員工的質與產品的量之關聯性及審慎財務規劃,並減少對政府的依賴及做好風險管理與預防措施。


The objective of this study was to investigate the operating models and processes of social entrepreneurial organizations in indigenous villages in Taitung County. The main focus was placed on how organizations in different operating models cope with obstructions and challenges as well as their influences on the local villages. Based on findings, suggestions were proposed. A qualitative approach was adopted. Using purposive sampling method, 20 employees from four organizations were selected to participate in-depth interviews. The findings were summarized as follows: 1.From the development processes of these organizations: All their initial motivations were to address certain village issues and respond to needs. Such motivations and the non-profit organization are interdependent. In the organization’s operation, the government’s role can be a promoter or a destroyer. 2.From the operating models of these organizations: Left-leaning public benefit organizations suffer enormous financial pressure mainly from welfare expenditures; excessive reliance on government resources and weak cohesion among employees are the potential problems for right-leaning public benefit organizations; the center operating model is the ideal model for social enterprises but is also the hardest to achieve. 3.The close relationship between social enterprises and tribal villages: The organizations’ influence on the villages extends not only to employees but also to the entire village and the residents, resulting in an improvement in economic life and living quality for residents and also revitalization of local industries. Based on findings, this study proposed suggestions to the government, would-be entrepreneurs, social enterprise operators, and operators of tribal social enterprises as follows: 1.To the government: In the absence of a specific law, the number of organizations that run in the name of a social enterprise but is actually profit seeking is growing. The government should address this problem and enact the Social Enterprises Act as soon as possible to facilitate normal development of social enterprises. 2.To would-be entrepreneurs: It is necessary to evaluate current resources, capabilities, and the problems to solve first. High sensitivity and acceptance of new things is also needed for creating new and unique product ideas. 3.To operators of social enterprises: The organizations should fulfill their social missions through business administration, run the organization based on product quality and brand, and make financial information transparent and accessible. 4.To operators of tribal social enterprises: It is necessary to consider the correlation between employee quality and product quantity, perform financial planning carefully, reduce reliance on the government, and prepare risk management and prevention measures.


