  • 學位論文


Study of Core Competency of Special Education Teachers

指導教授 : 莊文彬


本研究旨在探討特殊教育教師的核心能力,希望透過研究,達到以下目的: 一、探析特殊教育師資培育的大專校院所提供的師資職前教育課程與特殊教育教師核心能力之因果關係。 二、提出特殊教育教師核心能力之具體建議。 三、根據研究結果與發現,提出具體結論,作為特殊教育儲備教師、正在修習特殊教育學系及特殊教育學程的在學學生與提供特殊教育師資培育的大專校院參考之依據。 本研究採質性研究法之一般性導引式訪談並佐以半結構式訪談大綱來蒐集資料,訪談對象為經由全國或縣市聯招、或各校獨招之教師甄試考取正式編制特教教師資格者,且教學年資達三年以上;此外,因考量教師核心能力養成,應該是從修習師資職前教育課程時就開始累積,故,受訪對象皆來自不同的師資培育大專院校。經過資料之歸納分析與綜合討論後,獲致主要結論如下: 一、培育特殊教育師資的大專校院所提供的師資職前教育課程能建構成為特教教師之核心能力。 二、特教教師需具備的核心能力包括:(1)優良的教學能力、(2)親師合作的能力、(3)溝通協調的能力、(4)終身學習的能力與態度、(5)正向思考的能力、(6)愛的能力、(7)堅持的態度和(8)耐力。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,針對特殊教育儲備教師、正在修習特殊教育學系及特殊教育學程的在學學生及未來相關研究提出具體建議。


特殊教育 核心能力


The main purpose of this study is to explore the core competency of special education teachers. It is hoped that this study can achieve the following goals: 1.A Study on the Causality between teachers' pre-service education curriculum and special education teacher's core competency. 2.Specific suggestions on the core competency of special education teachers. 3.Based on the findings and paper concludes, provide specific suggestions for reserved teacher. students attending the department of special education or special education courses and the tertiary institutions providing special education courses. In this study, the necessary data were collected through qualitative in-general guidance interviews assisted with semi-structured interview outlines. Three of formal special education teachers having over three years of teaching experience were interviewed. In addition, due to consider the core competency of teachers to develop, should be from the pre-vocational education courses began to accumulate, so the respondents are from different tertiary institutions. After regression analysis and general discussion, the following conclusions were reached: 1.The pre - service education curriculum provided by the tertiary institutions to train special education teachers can be built into the core competency of special education teachers. 2.The core competency of special education teachers include: (1)excellent teaching ability. (2)ability to cooperate with parents.(3)communication and coordination.(4)the ability and attitude of lifelong learning.(5)positive thinking ability.(6)the ability to love.(7)the attitude of persistence and(8)endurance. Lastly, suggestions were made based on the above study results to the reserved teachers. students attending the department of special education or special education courses and for the related studies in the future.


Special Education Core Competency


