  • 學位論文


A Study of How Primary Caregivers of Elderly Adjust Their Psychological Well Being and Rebuild Their Lives after Their Loved Ones Passed On

指導教授 : 趙祥和


本研究的主要目的是探討主要照顧者在所照顧年長親人離世後的心理調適和生活重建:主要照顧者在年長親人離世後的哀傷反應;影響他們走出哀傷的因素爲何,以及 主要照顧者的心理調適合生活重建。本研究是採質性研究的深度訪談法來收集資料,共有4位主要照顧者,訪談後針對所得的資料進行分析。本研究之主要發現如下: (一)年長親人離世後主要照顧者之哀傷反應,1.情感反應: 「不捨」、「解脫」、「傷痛、難過」、「触景伤情」、「擔心、害怕」「未竟之事」、「無助與無奈」、「 麻木」; 2.行爲反應:「流淚、哭泣」、「哭喊」。 (二)影響主要照顧者走出哀傷的因素,「是死亡性質」、「主要照顧者與離世親人的關係」「主要照顧者的特質」「不易透露心聲」、「主要照顧者對哀傷的處理」、「宗教信仰」、「外來協助」。 (三)主要照顧者的心理調适與生活重建,「心理方面的調适」:「接受事實」、「坦然面對」、「不易流淚」、「走出憂鬱」、「時間淡化哀傷」、「傷痛減低」、「思念與傷痛的升華轉化化」、「内心平靜」、「不再一樣的人生」:「生活改變」、「改變對醫療的看法」、「改變個人的步伐」、「幫助那些有同樣需要的人」、「照顧好自己」。 研究者根據上述研究結果加以討論,並依據此結果提供若干建議作爲主要照顧者、實務工作者,以及未來研究者之相關研究。


The main objective of this study is to discuss how Primary Caregivers of elderly adjust their psychological well being and rebuild their lives after their loved ones passed away including: their grieving process, the factors influencing them to overcome grief; and how they adjust their psychological well being and rebuild their lives. Qualitative research method was applied in this research; information for this study was collected by conducting in depth interviews with four (4) primary caregivers, followed by an analysis of the data collected. Here are the key findings of this research: 1. Grieving response of primary caregivers when their elderly loved ones passed away: 1.1.Emotional response: Sense of Reluctance, Relief, Pain and Sorrow; they become Sentimental over Certain Circumstances, Worried and Fearful about things that have not been done, they feel Helpless, and Immune. 1.2.Physical response: they Weep, Sob and Cry. 2. Factors influencing Primary Caregivers to recover from grief are: the Nature of death, the Relationship between the Primary Caregiver and the Elderly, the Characteristics of the Primary Caregiver – Unwilling to divulge his/her feelings, the Way One Management of Grief, One’s Faith or Religion, and the availability of External Help. 3. How Primary Caregivers cope in order to adjust their psychological well being and rebuild their lives. 3.1.Adjust Psychological well being: Acceptance of the truth, Face it Calmly, Do Not Weep Easily, Recover from Depression, Let Time to Heal, Relieve Pain, Transformation of Sense of Longing and Pain, Attain Peace in One’s Heart. 3.2.Take a Different Life Approach: Change of Lifestyle, Change One’s view of Medical Treatment, Change One’s Pace, Help Those in Similar Needs, Care for Oneself. Based on the above research results, this report provides some suggestions to Primary Caregivers, Practitioners, and Future Investigators of Related Research.


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