  • 學位論文


Research on the Impact of the Christian Accommodative Solution-Focused Approach for Family Members Suffering From Loss and Grief


本研究旨在探討基督教教牧輔導融入焦點解決理論對喪親家屬之影響。研究者邀請20位經歷喪親之成人基督徒為受試者,分派至「教牧輔導融入焦點解決諮商方案組」及「控制組」,於方案組接受諮商前完成哀傷反應與哀傷復原量表,並於諮商完成後第二週完成哀傷反應與哀傷復原的後測,方案組的受試者進行焦點團體的訪談。所得資料經獨立樣本t考驗、Pearson積差相關、共變數統計分析的結果發現: 1. 在焦點解決教牧短期諮商方案組中,喪親家屬在哀傷行為反應上,女性的哀傷行為反應分數高於男性;另外受試者與逝者的親密程度越高,其哀傷的生理反應越低。 2. 運用共變數分析發現教牧焦點方案組與控制組在哀傷反應與哀傷復原上未達到顯著差異。而方案組的受試者經過四次諮商後,哀傷情緒反應分數後測低於前測分數,顯示接受輔導的受試者哀傷情緒反應是有降低的。 焦點團體訪談資料經Hycer(1985)現象分析的結果發現: 1. 受輔者的哀傷反應包含生命中有很深的失落感,感覺對逝者有虧欠以及失去生命的原動力。 2. 受輔者的改變包含情緒的宣洩、認知的改變、價值觀的調整、找回自我的價值感、擁有解決問題的能力、重回原有的生活、饒恕逝者與自己、不再懼怕死亡。 3. 經過四次焦點解決教牧短期諮商,受輔者知覺到諮商者的介入包括:建立彼此的信任關係、成為受輔者情緒宣洩的對象、幫助受輔者去探索內在深層的問題,能省察自己、更明白神的心意、提供問題解決的管道、去澄清問題、從他人的眼光看待自己、引導對話式禱告技巧。 4. 受輔者經過四次焦點解決短期諮商後在信仰方面,更有永生的盼望、並且恢復與神美好的關係,最終感謝天父的恩典。 最後本研究根據研究結果提出討論,並針對教牧輔導實務與未來研究提供參考的建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of solution-focused pastoral counseling for Christian bereaved families. Twenty Christian participants were invited and assigned to the solution-focused pastoral counseling group and control group. Participants completed the Grief Reaction Inventory and Grief Recovery Inventory prior to the first counseling session, and two weeks after the final counseling session. Moreover, participants of the solution-focused pastoral counseling group received focus-group interviewing for collecting their experience about counseling. The results of the quantitative data analysis were as follows: 1. The differences of the grief behavior reaction between male and female were found. The female clients perceived significantly more grief behavioral reaction than male clients. Besides, The closer relationship with family members who died the less perceived physiological reaction of grief. 2. The results of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed the no significant difference with grief reaction and recovery between experimental group and control group. However grief emotional reaction perceived by the experimental group in the posttest was lower, while comparing to the pretest after four counseling sessions. The results of the qualitative data analysis were as follows: 1. Grief reactions of bereaved families included a deep sense of loss, feeling apology for the deceased and losing their energies for living. 2. After four counseling sessions, participants reported that the counseling outcome included emotional catharsis, changing their thinking and values, finding self-worth, having the ability to solve problems, returning to the usual life, forgiving the deceased and self, and no longer afraid of death. 3. Participants reported counselors’ intentions of intervention including building trustworthy relationship, holding clients’ emotional catharsis, clarifying clients’ problems, leading conversational praying to God, exploring clients’ inner self, and helping clients to reflect on their own, to solve problem, and to understand the God’s will. 4. Participants reported in Christian religion, they deeply believed that eternal life, restoring relationship with God, and giving thanks to the grace of Heavenly Father after four counseling sessions. Based on the findings, recommendations and suggestions were made for future implications and research.




