  • 學位論文


The Research on the Functional Operation of Taipei City Council--Analysis Through Local Governance Approach

指導教授 : 紀俊臣


我國中央之立法院因牽涉五權政府,五權相互間關係複雜,立法院雖然與地方議會政治原理之植基類同,但因另與總統和五院之錯綜關係,尚有高度政治性寓藏其中,不易自單純議會政治角度就我國議會政治機制清晰研究;地方制度法自1999年實施後,因地方分權致使中央不斷正視地方事務之自主性,而將權力下放,地方政府政治實力不容忽視。隨之地方政府在全球化績效型與服務型政府趨勢之駕臨,以及政黨輪替之執政壓力下,地方政府治理能力能否契合地方住民之需求,成為地方政府無論行政、立法部門或公私營企業或地方各網絡層級必須共同努力之方向,故以地方治理模式作為本研究試圖滿足地方民主、經濟發展、社會和諧之藥石方案,而以臺北市之地方政府作為研究標的;復因廣義之地方政府實際乃兼含行政部門與民意機關之議會,且現今地方議會對行政部門之箝制,已有「民主之惡」之譏議,地方議會政治能否運行良善,成為地方治理果否成功之北門鎖鑰。 代議政治在歐洲中世紀以對付君主獨裁而濫觴,已成為十九世紀至今莫之能禦之政治體制,然而代議政治鴻潮移植在公民民主成熟度尚未臻水準之國家後,反令人民就代議政治本質產生疑懼,對代議士角色職能更不禁失望和憎厭。臺灣於解嚴後進入政治民主化新階段,更多代議士藉由選舉之途進入議會參政,但所呈現政商勾結、黑金干涉、利益交換等既動搖代議民主根基,而問政能力不足、議題無法深化、議會制度不明、議程規定不清、派系凝結傾軋、黨政協調不良等等問題,亦早為識者詬病撻伐呈現束手無策之困境。時至現代,科技昌明,交通便利,網路全球化效應已泯滅國界籓離,曩昔人民參政困難之障礙已可被資訊傳遞克服,訊息之取得更已平臺式而共用,濃度愈高的民主參與程度,其實已重獲嶄新環境之支援,在地區住民隨著全球化對績效型與服務型政府殷切期盼之際,舊環境所維繫之議會政治是否應因應此新環境來臨而畀與新的思維? 全球治理之新思維隨全球化之推移對各國政府治理之模式產生體制性之影響,從而由區域網絡、公私協調、分權合作等內涵鼓舞地方經營發展模式,其中藉諸參與式民主、標竿學習等,使地方獲致總體經營績效,反饋社區住民。代議政治原所依賴建構之理由已逐漸解組,藉由地方治理各參與式民主模式,針對代議士操縱之間接議會政治之代表、監督、制衡等職能,均可能產生質變性之興革。 本研究以臺北市議會為研究範疇,並以地方治理為為分析之經緯,重新檢視代議政治本質與臺灣地方議會困境之現實,取法地方治理學理之內涵與方法,從市議會議員之立法角色、市議會對重大市政決策作為、市議會與市民之關係以及市議會內各種組織運作之面向,以結構面和功能面進行診斷,發現臺北市議會政治運作現行呈現之困境,進而藉諸地方治理途徑,調整議會政治之職權行使、檢討議會政治之組織法制及形塑議會政治之決策機器,並且提出符合民主性、代表性且具現代性之新議會體制設計,作為本研究之發展目標和建議,希望不但應用在臺北市之地方治理,更能普遍提升臺灣地方政府行政效能。


Representative government system was set up for preventing from despotism in Europe in the medieval age, and was popular all voer the world from then on. Whereas, the system transplanted to those countries which civic culture was not matured enough to adapt it yet, some irregularties appeared constantly, and obviously faltered and chanllenged the basis theory of representative democracy. People living in these countries began to doubt if they ought to live under the operation of such irregular democratic insistution, evev though it is a sysmbol of democratic country at present time, it seemed that what people could do to those irregularities was only folding their hands helpless . Taiwan suffered the same experience too. Since Martial Law was abolished by authorities in 1987 in Taiwan, it has opened a cutting age, and igniting the wave of people to participate in politics, while the quality of candidates were worse eligible, so as to demean the functional operation of representative mechanism, and it will relate to the results of central or local government for sure. As we know, “performance-orientation” , “customer- orientation” or “service- orientation” government is now urgently expected by all citizens. New tendency of “participatory democracy” and “deliberative government” are in a advantangeous condition. That means a good government eagering to invite people to join his administrative affairs or public constructions, tring to find the thoughts of policy from people in order to improve his achievements.With the upcoming days of new style government comes, that indicates a new way that the old traditional representative politics should have a new progressive changeable conception. In the meantime, a knowledge of management-“governance” developed, that is a natural approach different from “government”, and which has influenced both public and private field before long. Using “governance” in politics can avoid some prejudicial mistakes made from governmental dogmatic manners. Governance, though not perfect, will not only do benefits to government, but also will response the benefits to people indirectly. Besides, “local governance” used on local affairs can attract each local community, social group, district net-work….etc to attend the process of policy-making, also can overview the operation of local government simultaneously. Taipei City Council plays a legislative roll in whole Taipei city local governance system, Both city government and city council are significant to the flourishing, if they have healthy functional operation. And if City Council improves ahead of City Government, that means City Council has to recognize “some defaults existing in the organization” and “the circumstance of traditional representative system having deteriorated a lot”, then trying to take valid measures to remedy or to promote the function. It is believed that the results of city council will affect city government’s operation and raise whole efficiency of Taipei local government. This dissertation researches on the issue of functional operation of Taipei City council, using “local governance” as the approach to analyze the structure and function of the council, then finding some new insights through research which maybe should be made allusions and applied to Taipei local government operation system. In addition, at the end of this dissertation, the author floats political designs about local governance as improvable suggestions of Taipei City Council.




沈文矩(2017)。地方議會議長選舉制度之研究- 以臺南市議會議長選舉案為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0015-0506201716523600
