  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 蔡怡君


本研究以跨文化的觀點看越南籍新移民女性的中文學習經驗,旨在探討越南文化如何影響在臺灣南投縣埔里鎮越南籍新移民女性的中文學習的過程。它著重於以下幾個方面: (一) 在臺灣越南籍新移民女性的中文學習經驗以她們的動機與態度的方面。 (二) 越南文化對她們的中文學習經驗的影響。 (三) 提供給在臺灣越南籍新移民女性學習中文的建議與給台灣教育工作者和政府機構在教學課程和教育政策的建議。 本研究透過十一位越南籍新移民女性深入訪談的方式進行。訪談由在臺灣南投縣埔里鎮五年以上的越南籍新移民女性在課堂上和家庭裡的中文學習體驗。滾雪球抽樣是在這本研究中使用。在本研究的訪談者僅限於越南籍新移民女性(京族人)嫁至台灣南投縣埔里鎮者為。 根據研究發現,歸納出結論如何: (一) 在臺灣學習中文的越南籍新移民女性的動機包括中文語言的認同感作為一種交際工具,構建更加和諧的家庭,得到台湾社會的尊重,以及將來的就業和養育子女方面。 (二) 在台湾的越南籍新移民女性在語言學習過程中的態度包含三個部分:「喜欢学习」,「通過對學習中文的認同感與實用價值」與「跟當地人在所有的時間及地方學習語言」。 (三) 越南的文化特性影響越南籍新移民在臺灣課堂裏與外課的中文學習包括:越南的老師嚴肅的態度和越南教師缺乏一流的實用知識,越南語寫作,語調和語法結構,越南人對學習和知識的尊重與歸屬感/集體主義精神的意義。 (四) 三種類型的策略,越南籍新移民女性用來應付她們的中文學習中的文化差異包括:死記,常看電視與問問題或跟本地人互動 (五)三個具體領域的越南籍新移民女性提出來在台灣中文學習的建議包括:(一)直接問問題或跟本地人互動,常看電視 (二)不應鬆動越南人對學習和知識的愛與尊重的精神 (三)上課的教材要根據個人興趣,相關的主題,特別是與工作相關的主題。 本研究最後是提供越南籍新新移民女性在學習中文經驗給予台灣教育工作者和政府機構在教學課程和教育政策的建議


This study provides a cross-cultural perspective on language learning experience by exploring how Vietnamese culture affects the Chinese language learning of Vietnamese immigrant women in Puli, Taiwan. It focuses on the following areas: (a) The Chinese language learning experiences of Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwan in terms of their motivations and attitudes. (b) The effect of Vietnamese culture on their Chinese language learning experiences. (c) Recommendations for Vietnamese learners in their Chinese language learning, Taiwanese educators and governmental agencies in teaching, curricula, and educational policies. Data for the study were collected through in-depth interviews of eleven Vietnamese immigrant women. The participants chosen had been in Taiwan for 5 years or more and had Chinese language learning experience both in classroom and at home. Snowball sampling was used in this study. Participants in this study were limited to ethnic Vietnamese women (Kinh people) who had married men in Taiwan and they were living in Puli, Nantou county. The following conclusions were reached: 1. The motivations of Vietnamese immigrant women for learning the Chinese language in Taiwan included the perceived values of Chinese language as a communicative tool, building greater harmony in family, being respected in Taiwan society, future employment and raising children. 2. The three components of attitudes in the language learning process of Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwan: “ like learning”, “have cognitive utilitarian values toward by learning Chinese” and “ language learning at all times and in all places with many native people” 3. Vietnamese cultural characteristics which affected the Chinese language learning of Vietnamese immigrant women inside and outside the classroom in Taiwan included Vietnamese teacher’s serious attitude and Vietnamese teacher’s lack of practical knowledge in class, Vietnamese writing, tone and grammatical structure, Vietnamese respect for learning and knowledge and the sense of belonging/ collectivist spirit 4. Three types of strategies which Vietnamese immigrant women used to cope with cultural differences in their Chinese language learning included rote learning, watching television and asking questions or interacting with native speakers 5. Three specific areas where Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwan made suggestions in learning of Chinese language: 1) direct asking questions and interacting with native speakers, used to watch television, 2) should not loose Vietnamese spirit of love respect for learning and knowledge , 3) the instructional materials based on interesting, personally relevant topics, especially job topics for learning Chinese in the classroom The studies ends with suggestions for Vietnamese immigrant women on studying Chinese learning experience and suggestions for educators an government agencies involved in setting curricula and educational policies for immigrant women in Taiwan and for future studies in this area.


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