  • 學位論文


The Cello Self-Learning System on YouTube

指導教授 : 陳恆佑
共同指導教授 : 張克寧(Keh-Ning Chang)


對一個大提琴的弦樂器初學者,正確的演奏姿勢、音準的辨識、弓法的運用與控制是三個最重要的課題,深深影響日後學習的發展。在音樂教育上,鈴木正一是位日本專業的音樂老師,所提倡的鈴木教學法也對音樂學習有很大的幫助。本人也是專業的音樂老師,多年來也提倡鈴木母語教學法且對電腦多媒體有所研究,希望可以用電腦來輔助音樂學習。因此我們利用多媒體影音系統YouTube的廣泛性與方便性發展出一套實用的自學系統,幫助初學者得到正確的學習資訊,用YouTube註解功能標示出教學重點,容易出錯之處,大量應用日本鈴木教學法的反覆練習觀念,使用者並可上傳自製影片,與老師的示範影片比對後即可自我修正。 本系統利用JavaScript控制YouTube的API做出小節反覆重播功能,達到重點式練習的目的;並採用聲音對齊與搜索技術達到雙重影像與聲音比對功能。


For a beginning cello student, the proper posture, the accuracy of intonation, and bow techniques affect the future development of learning. Dr. Shinichi Suzuki advices that repetition leads to perfection. According to Suzuki method, learners need to do repeatedly practicing. We found YouTube is a good video-sharing website that we can upload the teacher’s video and learners can practice at home. Therefore, through the wide spreading YouTube, beginners can access accurate information and essential points through the functions of video annotation. Accordingly, students are required to upload their videos, which will be compared with the teacher’s demo on website. The result is a structured and practical self-learning system. This Self-learning System uses API of YouTube controlled by JavaScript to make the function of repeating. The program seeks through the videos’ sound and motion clips to synchronize its starting time in double screens for comparison.


[1] Shinichi Suzuki, “Nurtured by Love: The Classic Approach to Talent Education,” 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-87487-584-6), pp.75-78, 1983.
[2] Cornelius Poepel and Dan Overholt, “Recent Developments in Violin-related Digital Musical Instruments: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?,” NIME 06, June 4-8, 2006.
[3] Ivan Galamian, “Principles of Violin Playing & Teaching,” Shar Products Co, 1999.
[4] Rudolph, Thomas and Frankel, James, “YouTube in Music Education,” ISBN: 9781423479383, 2009
[5] Kia Ng, “Technology-Enhances Learning for Music with I-MAESTRO Framework and Tools,” EVA, London Conference, 2008.


