  • 學位論文


Changing of Administrative Divisions and Local Societies in He-Dong Region during 3rd-6th Century

指導教授 : 趙立新


河東地區作為地理樞紐,在六世紀之前,由於地理位置處於各政權政治核心之間,因此當時局動盪時,是重要的戰略要地。同一時間,由於地方秩序的缺失,晚近崛起的地方大族,取得了地方社會的控制權,並試圖透過自身對地域的熟悉,選擇與各政權合作。因此,在各政權互相競合的三至六世紀,各政權為了控制當地,因此與地方大族領袖成員,以互利的方式達成合作。另外,在此時期,各政權為求進一步地控制當地,行政區劃成為重要的重要政治措施,觀察行政區劃設置情形,亦可以看出地方社會的一貌。 本文除緒論以及結論外,分為三個章節。第一章論述河東地區的交通地理,以及漢末時期各地方社會成員的發展情況,透過賈逵等地方大族成員,在曹、袁集團戰爭下的動向,藉由熟悉四面有地形封閉的河東地區地理,影響了兩政治集團的軍事形勢。第二章則從劉淵入侵河東地區,在平陽建立政權論起,敘述在各政權,在漢趙、前秦、西燕、後秦接續統治之下,河東地區各種人群,無論先來後到,包含地方大族、非漢族群,皆會影響河東地區情勢,而各政權則採取各種方式,以求穩固地方形勢。其中最常見的就是授予地方社會成員官職,來拉攏地方社會成員,並透過派駐到河東地區交通要點的統治集團成員,兩者合作,形成一防禦外敵侵入河東地區的體系。第三章則論述在北魏進入河東地區之後,雖然統治日漸穩固,對於地方社會的控制力逐漸加強,但隨著北魏政局日漸混亂,加之災害頻繁,當地的非漢族群,以及蜀人相繼發動叛亂,致使北魏以及後繼政權再次需要地方大族來穩固情勢,而當兩魏建立,地方大族又再次成為兩國戰爭下的次要力量。


Throughout the third to the sixth centuries, a period between two great dynasties of Han and Sui, during which China was riven by disunity, the He-dong region was of strategic importance inasmuch as it was surrounded by a number of rival powers. He-dong society was controlled by regional big clans, or houses who were all in competition with those powers. Meanwhile, those powers reorganized its administration in an effort to undermine the influence of the clans. When necessary – in other words, when it was to their mutual benefit – the powers and clans cooperated together. This paper is divided into three chapters. The first introduces the issues of He-dong geography, the movements of the populations within this area, and the growth of the local clans since the third century of the late Han Dynasty. Some, such as Jia Kui (賈逵)and other regional clans, influenced Cao and Yuan (曹、袁) two powers, and ended the war with their knowledge of local geography. The second chapter starts in the year 308, when Liu Yuan (劉淵), the nomadic monarch of south Xiongnu (南匈奴), attacked the He-dong region; later he set up his regime- the Han Zhao (漢趙) dynasty at Pingyang (平陽), one of the important cities in He-dong. Three ethnic peoples–, the Former Qin (前秦), the Western Yan (西燕), and the Later Qin(後秦)–successively immigrated into this area. The newcomers consolidated their rule either by putting original local family members in important positions or by stationing loyal subordinates at strategic points. Finally, a defense system was completed. The third chapter discusses political evolution, beginning in 417, under the Northern Wei (北魏). Its rule was, in theory, stable, and local society was tightly controlled. Over time, however, the Northern Wei weakened, and local non-Han ethnic groups and the Shu people (蜀人) took the opportunities given them to rebel frequently. The Northern Wei therefore once again needed the support of local clans. By the time the Eastern Wei (東魏) and the Western Wei (西魏) turned up, the regional clans had resumed their status as the subsidiary forces in the military conflicts between Western Weiand Northern Chou, also between Eastern Wei and North Qi.


1. 楊伯俊編著,《春秋左傳注,修訂本》,臺北:洪葉文化事業有限公司,2015。
2. 〔漢〕司馬遷撰,《史記》,北京:中華書局,1982。
