  • 學位論文


The Formation and Change of Cultural Landscapes in Yellow River Flood Area of North China during the Ming-Qing Period: Focus on the Area of the Administrative District of Kai-feng Fu

指導教授 : 楊宗惠


明清時期河道南徙於開封府境內頻繁改道泛濫,屢次順黃河沖積扇奪渦、潁、睢等河而流,使得府內各縣多因河患沙淤影響,不僅岡阜地形逐漸夷平,土壤與河道也遍布沖積土沙,低窪地區多積水難消,如此造成表土分布特性的變化,而地表水資源蓄積能力也日趨薄弱。隨著明初策略性移民開墾荒地、於豫東黃泛區拓展生活空間,因而再度增加須承受此時黃河泛濫威脅之人口,擴大受災影響層面;不論區內居民改種適宜生長之作物、遷居至適宜之地,或於故道、灘區沃土謀取耕種之利,及官方於此興築河防工程、挑濬河道、賑災救災等種種因應策略,皆在於挑戰環境變遷的試煉,尋求適應生存的人地關係模式,從而形塑文化景觀。 本研究針對黃泛區環境特性來剖析其文化景觀的形塑與演變,釐清此災害環境條件如何影響區域歷史發展,歷史過程又如何反映在居民生活方式與景觀的變遷上,構成各種人文現象在區域中的分布脈絡。研究架構以人文生態學的複合體研究模式,及聚落景觀與區位研究方法來建立。考量研究區在明代開封府轄域內涉及縣份多,為便於進行細部研究,則就各縣所在區位特性,以及文獻資料豐富性與可閱覽情形,選取樣縣進行個案研究。藉由樣縣之區位特性所反映的地域發展差異,分析其景觀之形塑與變遷特性,歸結受黃河泛濫影響之區域,在特定時空範疇中,人與環境交互作用之人文生態結構,闡述其文化景觀之空間形式、發展類型與變遷趨勢。 研究結果顯示,明清時期官方政策主導防災體系之空間格局,導致豫東黃泛區在明清時期泛濫頻仍,不斷對地表帶來重塑的動能,使得聚落景觀隨之消長變化。河患也使得黃泛區所在之邊緣地帶人口減少,並且有頻繁向下的社會階層流動現象,形成貧富分化之區域社會結構,而居民承受政策主導環境條件,採共體時艱、安土重遷之適應方式,並成為自給生活所需資源的主要生產者,依循簡約傳統的生活方式,不致於對災害環境多加諸擾動,從而發展仰賴市集交易的農村經濟,實為本區基於防災之共同利益的平衡發展模式。本研究所呈現種種災害環境下的適應生活方式,構成黃泛區文化景觀的內涵,至今仍有跡可循。


Yellow River flooded and changed course frequently along the alluvial fan through the eastern plain in the area of the administrative district of Henan Province of North China during the Ming-Qing Period, caused disaster-prone environment mainly in the area of the administrative district of Kai-feng Fu, while the government migrated large numbers of people to the flood area for land reclamation in the early Ming period, and then expended the influence from the following flood events. The residents and the government adopted many strategies in response to the condition of environmental change, so that particular cultural landscapes have been forming in Yellow River flood area during the Ming-Qing Period. This study focuses on the formation and change of cultural landscapes in Yellow River Flood Area in a specific historical process. The research framework is based on the model of ecological complex, and involves the analytical methods of settlement and location; for observing more details about the regional difference, implements with the sample counties belonging to the area of the administrative district of Kai-feng Fu, which are selected on their location characteristics, the richness and availability of the literature. The purpose of this research is to explore the geographical features of a human ecological system in Yellow River Flood Area in a historical context, and then to interpret the spatial-temporal formation, the development types, and the changing tendency of cultural landscapes. In conclusion, the spatial pattern dominated principally by the official disaster prevention policy during the Ming-Qing Period, resulting in frequent floods and reshaping regional landscapes continually. The changeable flood environment of the Yellow River alluvial fan in the area of the administrative district of Kai-feng Fu brought about a tendency toward declining population and descending social mobility, and enlarged the gap between the rich and the poor; the residents basically followed the austere lifestyle of traditional North China, and the daily necessities tended to rely more on the exchange for agricultural products in the towns with regular farmers market. The adaptive lifestyle formed and changed the cultural landscapes in Yellow River Flood Area during the Ming-Qing Period, and can still be traced today.




