  • 學位論文


A Study on Resilience of The Needy College Students' life experience

指導教授 : 蕭文


中文摘要 本研究旨在了解貧窮大學生的生活經驗,並且以復原力的觀點去探討貧窮大學生的生活經驗中有擁有的外在資源、自我信念、以及復原力的行動。本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法蒐集資料,共訪談四位具有低收入或中低收入戶證明之貧窮大學生,訪談後針對所得資料進行分析。研究結果除了分別呈現四位研究參與者的生活經驗、外在資源、自我信念和復原力的行動之外,並綜合歸納整理四位研究參與者訪談資料之異同。研究結果發現如下: 一、貧窮大學生的生活經驗包括機會的剝奪、貧窮的心理狀態以及人際經驗三方面。 二、貧窮大學生擁有的外在資源包括家庭、親友、學校和社區四方面的主要資源。 三、貧窮大學生的自我信念包括內控信念、光耀門楣、對家人的體諒、樂觀正向、節儉、知足、想法成熟、挫折容忍力、務實、對負面事件的釋懷、生命力旺盛、力爭上游、心存感激、負責任和肯學習以及積極進取共十五項。 四、貧窮大學生復原力的行動包括財務管理、精打細算、開拓財源、尋求資源以及行動力共五方面的具體行動。 研究者根據上述研究結果加以討論,並依據此結果提供若干建議以作為貧窮大學生、專業助人工作以及未來研究者的參考依據。


貧窮 復原力


Abstract The purpose of this research is not only to understand the needy college students’ life experiences but also to explore their own external resources, self-beliefs, and resilient actions from the viewpoint of resilience. This research adapts the depth interview methods of the qualitative research. All of the research participants are have the certificate of low-income or low and moderate income. The researchable information is collected through depth interviews by researcher. This study includes the four major parts such as the life experiences, external resources, self-beliefs, and resilient actions of four research participants. Moreover, the researcher compares the same and the difference points with four research participants. The following are the major findings of this study: 1. The needy college students’ life experiences: the major life experiences are been deprived of opportunities, the needy mentality, and interpersonal experiences. 2. The needy college students’ external resources: the major external resources are family, relatives/friends, schools, and community. 3. The needy college students’ self-beliefs: the major self-beliefs are internal control beliefs, the thought of bring honor to their ancestors, considerating for their family members, optimistic and positive attitudes, thrifty, the belief to rest content with life, provident, the ability of enduring difficulties, pragmatic, forgeting the negative events, vigorous vitality, striving for the best, being gratitude, having keen sense of responsibility, studious, and being up-and-coming. 4. The needy college students’ resilient actions: the major resilient actions including financial management, to pinch pennies, to broaden sources of income, to seek resources, and taking immediate actions. According to the results of this study, the researcher offers some suggestions here hope theses suggestions can benefit the needy college students, professional helpers, and other researchers.


in need resilience




葉佳媛(2018)。警察人員身心健康、復原力與工作滿意度 關係之研究:以桃園市為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201800154