  • 學位論文


The Study on Cross-cultural Adaptation of Foreigners in Taiwan: the Example of the Implementation of Language Assistant Exchange Program between Taiwan and France in the Department of International and Comparative Education, National Chi-Nan University

指導教授 : 黃照耘


教育部自97年起與法國在台協會共同辦理「臺法外語實習生交流計畫」(Le programme franco-taiwanais d’assistants de langue),共同推動語言教學實習,雙方選送20歲至30歲之青年至對方國家協助外語教學,拓展語言與文化交流,促進兩國青年對彼此文化的認識和了解。本研究旨在探討法語實習生在臺之跨文化適應做出分析,而後能成為暨大教師和未來的實習生在適應上之參考。 本文將以質性研究方法,透過法語實習生實習報告的整理與分析,以其跨文化經驗為中心,進一步梳理其在臺之生活經歷以及實習經驗,探討法語實習生在臺之跨文化適應之情形,分析其生活適應和教學適應之困難及其針對困難之因應策略為何。 研究結果發現:1.語言障礙影響其教學和人際溝通;2.多元文化意識之理解落差致使難以掌握學生學習狀況;3.學校與市區間的交通不便利;4.飲食習慣差異在初期可能也會造成無法適應的問題;5.孤獨感,可能因此產生負面的情緒;6.面子文化導致雙向溝通的困難;7.教學能力和教學經驗影響教學適應。


跨文化適應 法國 因應策略


Since 2008, the Ministry of Education and the French Association in Taiwan have jointly implemented the " Language assistant exchange program" (Le programme franco-taiwanais d'assistants de langue) to jointly promote language teaching and internships. Both parties will choose between 20 to 30 years old. Young people go to each other's country to assist in foreign language teaching, expand language and cultural exchanges, and promote the knowledge and understanding of each other's cultures among the youths of the two countries. The purpose of this research is to analyze the cross-cultural adaptation of French interns in Taiwan, which can then be used as a reference for teachers and future interns in the university. This article will use qualitative research methods, through the compilation and analysis of French interns' internship reports, and focus on their cross-cultural experience, to further sort out their life and internship experiences in Taiwan, and explore the cross-cultural adaptation of French interns in Taiwan. Analyze the difficulties of adapting to life and teaching and the strategies for coping with the difficulties. The results of the study found that: 1. Language barriers affect their teaching and interpersonal communication; 2. The gap in understanding of multicultural awareness makes it difficult to grasp the learning status of students; 3. The transportation between the school and the city is inconvenient; 4. The difference in eating habits may also be in the early stage Causes problems that cannot be adapted; 5. Loneliness, which may result in negative emotions; 6. Face culture leads to difficulties in two-way communication; 7. Teaching ability and teaching experience affect teaching adaptation.


