  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effect of Social Capital of Entrepreneurs on Cooperative Firm Performance: Evidence from the Taiwanese Firms in China

指導教授 : 林欣美


近年來經濟全球化,企業所面臨的競爭愈來越激烈,現今任何企業的商業活動皆不可能脫離資訊網絡獨立完成,再加上企業的資本呈現廣泛化的趨勢,如果企業僅依賴自身內部的資金、技術、人才、物質等固有的資源,其競爭優勢將會迅速消失殆盡,更無法持續成長、壯大。然而,近年來社會資本研究廣受重視,相關研究證明,除了掌握科技競爭力,社會資本在維繫政經社會方面扮演了關鍵的角色。 本研究針對與中國大陸有交流之台灣企業負責人或高階經理人進行問卷調查,收集方式採取發放實體匿名問卷的方式進行,總計回收271份指本問卷,剔除填答不完整的84份問卷,實際有效問卷為187份,回收率達69.0%。本研究採用相關及迴歸分析做為分析方法。研究結果發現:(1) 社會資本的結構面、關係面及認知面之間具有顯著高度正相關;(2)社會資本的結構面、關係面、認知面對於合作績效具有顯著正向影響,亦即台商與合作方的正式與非正式交流越多、信賴程度越高、且雙方若具有共同的願景及目標,即會使雙方的合作績效越好。 根據研究結果,進一步提出相關建議:如何將公司的社會資本有效率的運用來提高與合作廠商間的合作績效是重要議題之一,根據研究結果,台商若能在中國大陸維持良好的社會資本關係,必定會為合作績效帶來良好且龐大的效益,惟企業在建立社會資本關係時,應了解哪種類型的社會資本的對自身公司來說較重要,哪些類型的社會資本可能在未來帶給公司威脅及影響。


社會資本 合作績效


In the background of the economic globalization, the competition that enterprises facing is fiercer than previous times. If enterprises only rely on their inherent resources like internal funds, technology, people and materials, their competitive advantage will disappear soon. And it can not grow continuously. Many studies have proved that it is important to not only grasp the competitiveness of technology but also use social capital to maintain politics, economy, and innovation. The objective of this study is to investigate how social capital of entrepreneurs effects on cooperative firm performance. This study uses three dimensions of social capital, which are structural, relational and cognitive, to analysis cooperative firm performance. This study uses convenience sampling. Data are collected through a questionnaire survey. Samples are the president or executive manager in Taiwanese firm which has business activities in China. Utilizing correlation and regression analysis, results show that all three dimensions of social capital are high positive correlated to each other. Moreover, these three dimensions have a positive effect on the cooperative firm performance. How to effectively using social capitals to increase the cooperative firm performance for a firm becomes an issue which is proposed by this study result.


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