  • 學位論文


A Study on the Participation of Decision Making, Employee Morale, and School Organizational Effectiveness of Junior High School Teachers

指導教授 : 楊振昇


本研究旨在探討國民中學教師參與決定、工作士氣與學校組織效能間之應用情況。以臺灣中部地區公立國民中學(不含完全中學)教師為研究的對象,於民國107年3月採用分層抽樣的方式選出60所三種不同學校規模之國民中學教師進行郵寄問卷調查施測。調查所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數、皮爾遜積差相關、多元?歸分析等統計方法,進行分析與討論歸納整理出結論。 本研究獲得以下結論﹕ 一、中部地區國民中學教師知覺教師參與決定意願部份整體及各層面表現達中度表現;實際部份整體及各層面除「總務」屬中低表現,其餘層面達中度表現。 其次在工作士氣整體及各層面表現達中高度表現。最後在學校組織效能整體及各層面表現達中高度表現。 二、中部地區國民中學教師對於教師參與決定類型各層面知覺程度受到「年齡」、「現任職務」、「服務總年資」、「服務學校校長性別」、「學校規模」等個人背景變項之影響而有顯著差異。而對於工作士氣各層面知覺程度受到「年齡」、「學歷」、「現任職務」、「學校規模」、「學校位置」、「學校區域」等個人背景變項之影響而有顯著差異。再則對於學校組織效能各層面知覺程度受到「年齡」、「學歷」、「現任職務」、「學校規模」、「學校位置」、「學校區域」等個人背景變項之影響而有顯著差異。 三、在相關的部分則為「整體參與決定意願部份」與「整體工作士氣」的相關係數為.432,屬於中度正相關;「整體參與決定實際部份」與「整體工作士氣」的相關係數為.386,屬於低度正相關。而「整體參與決定意願部份」與「整體組織效能」的相關係數為.347,屬於低度正相關;「整體參與決定部份」與「整體組織效能」的相關係數為.333,屬於低度正相關。最後「整體工作士氣」與「整體學校組織效能」的相關係數為.791,屬於高度正相關。 四、本研究國中教師參與決定意願、實際部份和工作士氣各層面對學校組織效 能預測力之分析結果如下所述:在國中教師參與決定意願部分,以「整體參與決定意願部分」最能有效預測學校組織效能,其次為「參與決定意願-教務層面」;在國中教師參與決定實際部分,以「整體參與決定實際部分」最能有效預測學校組織效能,其次為「參與決定意願-輔導層面」。而在工作士氣部分,以「整體工作士氣」最能有效預測學校組織效能,其次為「工作士氣-需求滿足層面」。 最後,根據上述研究結論提出具體建議,提供教育行政機關、國民中學校長及未來研究者作為參考。


Selecting junior high school teachers as the target audience, the research probes into participative decision-making, employee morale, and school organizational effectiveness. Excluding complete high schools, teachers in 60 public junior high schools in central Taiwan were invited to participate in the research using stratified sampling method in March, 2018. Teachers were from 3 different school sizes, and surveys were done via mailed questionnaires. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Independent-Sample T Test, ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis, listing as follows. The present resent aims at exploring the interactions of participative decision making, employee morale, and school organization effectiveness. The participants are sampled from teachers in public junior high schools (excluding complete high school). Using stratified sampling, the research invited teachers from 60 junior high schools of three different sizes to participate in the mailed surveys in March 2018. The results are analyzed utilizing descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analyses. Conclusions are as follows: 1.For teachers in junior high schools in central Taiwan, the perception of participative decision-making is in average levels in all aspects. The actual aspect is below average in “general affairs”, and average in the rest. In employee morale and school organization effectiveness, all levels are all above average. 2. The perception for teachers in junior high schools in central Taiwan are significantly influenced by the following factors: age, current position, service year, the gender of the principal, and school sizes. For employee morale, teachers are influenced in age, academic background, current position, school sizes, school positions, and the school region. For employee morale, teachers are significantly influenced in age, academic background, current position, school sizes, school positions, and the school region. 3. “The overall willingness of participative decision making” and “overall employee morale” are moderately positively correlated (r =. 432).“The overall deeds of participative decision making” and “overall employee morale” are lowly positively correlated (r =. 386). “The overall willingness of participative decision making” and “overall organization effectiveness” are lowly positively correlated (r =. 347). “The overall deeds of participative decision making” and “overall organization effectiveness” are lowly positively correlated (r =. 333). “Overall employee morale” and “overall school organization effectiveness” are highly positively correlated (r =.791). 4. The conclusions of the present research show that: “overall willingness of participative decision making”, followed by “overall willingness of participative decision making – academic affairs”, can best predict “school organization effectiveness”; “overall deeds of participative decision making”, followed by “willingness of participative decision making - counseling”, can best predict “deeds of participative decision making”; while in employee morale, “overall employee morale”, followed by “employee morale - needs satisfaction”, can best predict school organization effectiveness. Based on above conclusions, suggestions are provided for further references for educational administration offices, middle school principals, and future researchers.


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