  • 學位論文


Research On Community Organizations’Conflict Management and the Influence of Community Development-A Case Study of Siaobantian Village in Nantou County

指導教授 : 吳明烈


本研究旨在以小半天社區組織為對象,探討社區組織衝突的歷程、成因與型態、因應方式,以及對社區發展的影響層面之分析,運用協調方式,透過社區組織與居民全體之私人與公共利益,互利互信的結合,經由公民參與的互動溝通的機制,來達成利益等衝突的化解,社區發展得以進行。研究方法上使用文件分析法與訪談法,蒐集小半天相關文件、人民團體會議資料,並訪談9位小半天社區組織幹部及南投縣政府社會局官員。 依研究結果歸納出下列九項結論: 一、小半天社區組織的衝突歷程,源自於921災後重建,促成了各社區組織崛起,並歸功於民宿業者聯合接單策略奏效,然而因營利為主體,忽略了在地人文關懷,有竭盡資源之虞,使社區衝突遂一一浮現。 二、小半天社區組織衝突的成因有利益衝突、實質衝突、情緒衝突、權力衝突等四大成因。 三、小半天社區組織衝突主要涉及意見相左、對民宿業者怨言、小半天旅遊服務中心建築物歸屬問題、小半天產業促進會營利問題、領導人之爭、資源分配不均等六大現象,上述現象充分呼應了社區組織衝突的六大類型。 四、小半天社區組織衝突的因應方式,社區民眾咸認為應建立單一窗口、尊重溝通、開放信任團隊合作、建立社區公約、以社區回饋解決社區衝突等五大方式,然上述因應方式,仍停留於理念階段,尚未加以落實。 五、小半天組織衝突對社區發展影響可分為造人、造景、造產、造文化四大層面,其中以造人層面為其他三大層面的基礎,因此影響最為深遠。 六、就社區造人影響層面而論,社區組織因衝突而產生派系,致力量分散,造成人力資源的浪費,允宜運用公民參與,建立生活共同體意識,進而發揮社區造人的積極影響力。 七、就社區造景影響層面而論,小半天社區組織衝突使社區景觀面臨資源枯竭的危機,社區組織應負起社區環境維護之責,以達人與自然和諧共處之境,進而發展社區特色。 八、就社區造產影響層面而論,小半天社區組織為了防止爭奪資源的衝突,消極以不協商的獨立模式營生,應以社區組織來帶動社區產業均衡發展,將資源分配權回歸社區發展協會,進行工作分工與利益分配。 九、就社區造文化影響層面而論,小半天社區組織因衝突而對社區文化產生斷層的危機,社區組織應具備文化傳承的使命感,運用在地文化的獨特性,以傳統的竹產業出發,進而開創台灣竹之都新局面。 最後本研究依據研究結果針對社區組織、公部門以及未來研究等方面提出多項建議。


The purpose of this study is regarding the Siaobantian Village Community Organizations’ conflict management and the influence of community development. This research is aimed to probe into the cause of conflict, different kinds of types and the attitude of organizing conflict. To resolve the conflict is through community organizations and residents’ private and public interests, and combines the mutual benefits and mutual trust. Then community's development can keep going. The research approach utilized literature review and interview for 9 community organizations cadre members of Siaobantian Village and officers in Social Bureau of Nantou County Government . According to the findings of the data analysist: 1. The conflict of the Siaobantian Village Community Organizations results from reconstruction of the community after the 921 Earthquake. The reconstruction of the community facilitates all community organizations setting up. Though the owners of Bed & Breakfast cooperate to bring a lot of prosperity to the community, they lead to some problems. For instance the resources are exhausted and Humanity Care is ignored and so on. 2. In Siaobantian Village Community Organizations, the main causes of the conflict are interest conflict, essence conflict, mood conflict, and power conflict. 3. The elements of the conflict in Siaobantian Village Community Organizations are as follows, residents’ opinions are different; residents complain that establishment of the Bed & Breakfast which affects their life; there is a dispute over the ownership of the Service- Center building, the problems of associations in Siaobantian Village exist; there is a dispute between the leaders of the community of organizations, and the grand which is proved by the government, isn’t distributed equally. 4. There are five methods to reduce the conflict occurrings, such as establishing a window of the negotiation, communicating with polite way, encouraging all the team to cooperate upon the trust, setting up rule within the community, build up feedback system for the residents. However, above-mentioned methods haven’t been implemented yet. 5. Moreover, the conflict of the community organizations impacts on community development. The community development consists of residents, landscaping, business and culture. Particularly, the aspect of educating residents is very crucial for community development. 6. The conflict of the community organization clique occurring. It would destroy the unity and indirectly affects the development of the community. Consequently, the community organizations are supposed to encourage residents to participate in the activities related to the community and strengthen ties between the residents. 7. The conflict also affects the aspect on the landscaping which it leads to the exhaustion of the resources. Actually, the community organizations are responsible for beautifying community’s environment and preserving the natural resource in the community. 8. On the aspect of the business, the community organizations try to divide the resources equally to the business owners in the community; this way can bring more profit to the community. 9. Community organizations’ conflict influence culture delivering. Therefore, community organizations are supposed to be responsible for preserving the culture. For example, the traditional bamboo industries can create a variety of products from bamboo. This way not only make more profit but also combine the feature of the community. Finally, suggestions for community organizations, public organizations and future researches were provided at the last chapter.




孫秀惠(2014)。民宿經營之關鍵因素 以鹿谷鄉小半天民宿村為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400645
