  • 學位論文


The Construction of General Literacy Indicators for Principals in Elementary and Junior High Schools and Their Empirical Analysis

指導教授 : 蔡金田


本研究旨在建構國民中小學校長通識素養指標,並依據建構之指標進行相對權重分析與實證調查,以探討校長通識素養指標權重體系並瞭解臺灣地區公立國民中小學校長具備通識素養之現況。首先,藉由國內外相關文獻的整理歸納,探究通識素養意涵,再從國民中小學校長的職責、角色以及所需具備的能力中,歸納出校長通識素養之內涵,進而初步建構出校長通識素養指標。其次,透過二次德懷術專家意見調查,並以預試問卷採用Amos 20軟體進行信度與效度分析,確立出校長通識素養指標架構。第三,根據指標架構所形成的相對權重問卷,由學者專家進行指標權重體系的評定,並以Expert Choice 2000軟體分析。最後,依本研究形成之正式問卷,從104學年度臺灣地區公立國民中小學3329所中,以分層隨機抽樣方式抽取416所學校校長進行施測,並以SPSS 22軟體進行描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析,藉以一窺當前國民中小學校長具備通識素養之現況。   本研究主要結論如下: 一、透過二次德懷術分析與問卷預試,確立出國民中小學校長通識素養指標架構為三個層面、十一個向度與五十個項目。 二、以層級分析法建構出校長通識素養指標權重體系,校長通識素養中以自主行動層面最重要;自主行動層面中以問題解決素養向度最重要;溝通互動層面中以美學素養向度最重要;社會參與層面中以人文素養向度最重要。另外篩選出各向度中相對權重最高的十一個關鍵項目。 三、實證調查中,發現校長所具備的通識素養現況會因學校班級數、學校所在區域或學校所在地的不同,而在不同的素養向度上有所差異。 四、指標相對權重與校長所具備通識素養的比較中,發現學者專家評定最重要的層面、向度或項目,與校長所具備的通識素養現況並不完全一致,值得未來研究進一步探討。   根據研究結果提出具體建議如下: 一、對與國民中小學校長有關法令研修方向之建議 (一)研修與校長職責有關法令之依據。 (二)研擬評選校長領導卓越獎或標竿校長之依據。 二、對當前國民中小學校長培訓、績效評鑑與遴選制度規劃之建議 (一)校長培訓課程規劃之參考。 (二)校長績效評鑑之依據。 (三)校長遴選之依據。 (四)重視校長通識素養養成之完整性。 三、對校長在職進修成長與素養發展方向之建議 (一)對校長需求進行在職進修成長課程的規劃。 (二)校長可定期或不定期進行自我檢核,以改善與促進素養發展。 (三)校長可依個人條件,彈性調整適用之指標。 (四)建立校長同儕間的學習社群與網絡平臺。 四、後續研究可從研究主題、研究工具、研究對象、研究設計與研究方法等著手。


The purpose of this study was to construct the general literacy indicators for principals in elementary and junior high schools, and to do relative weight analysis and empirical investigation. To discuss the principals’ general literacy weight system and their general literacy. First of all, to understand the meaning through the domestic and foreign literature. Generalize the connotation of principals’ general literacy from principals’ duties, roles and the necessary capacity. Secondly, to establish a general literacy structure by doing Delphi technique twice and pre-questionnaires for reliability and validity analysis by Amos 20. Thirdly, the expert assessed the weight system of principals’ general literacy and analyze by Expert Choice 2000. Finally, according to the formal questionnaire by this study, the sample of this study was stratified random sampling, from Taiwan 3329, select 416 principals in elementary and junior high schools in 104 academic years. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA by SPSS 22.   The results are as follows: 1.The general literacy indicators for principals include 3 dimensions, 11 categories and 50 items. 2.The most important dimension is acting autonomously. The most important category is problem-solving literacy, aesthetic appreciation and humanities literacy. 3.It is found that the principals’ general literacy may be different on the school scale, the school region or the school location. 4.The most important dimension, categories or items, is not completely consistent with the general literacy of the principals, and worthy of further study.   The suggestions are as follows: 1.The suggestions of revising principal’s relevant laws and ordinances. (1)To revise principal’s relevant laws and ordinances. (2)To be a basis for selecting the excellent principals. 2.The suggestions of principal’s training, evaluation and selection system. (1)To be a basis for elementary and junior high schools principals’ training. (2)To be a basis for principals’ evaluation. (3)To be a criterion for principals’ selection system. (4)To emphasize the integrity of the principals’ general literacy development. 3.The suggestions of planning for in-service principals’ training and self-development. (1)To be a basis for principals’ general literacy development. (2)To do self-check regularly or irregularly to improve and promote literacy development. (3)According to personal conditions, flexible adjustment of the applicable indicators. (4)To establish a learning community and network among the principals and peers to support each other. 4.It is suggested that the further study can be carried out from research theme, tool, object, design and method.


