  • 學位論文


A Study on the Serious Leisure Experience of Female Volunteers

指導教授 : 蔡怡君


論文摘要 本研究以台中市某區公所之女性志工為研究對象,旨在探討深度休閒女性志工學習經驗對其生命帶來的影響及改變。本研究採質化深度訪談的方式進行,並輔以半結構式的訪談大綱來蒐集本研究所需的資料。訪談由台中市某區公所推薦六位長期且仍持續樂在服務的深度休閒女性志工,參與志願服務年資從10至16 年不等,年齡則介於45 至69 歲之間。透過六位女性志工生命故事的描述,以瞭解女性志工初始參與志願服務的動機、持續參與因素、服務學習經驗,及其對生命所帶來的影響與改變,再進行研究結果的討論。根據研究發現,歸納出結論如下: 一、深度休閒女性志工參與動機多重,包含個人需求、助人的利他行為及重要他人影響三項,以助人為樂善念密切關聯。 二、深度休閒女性志工持續參與動機需有外在條件因素配合才能深化成內在深度休閒理念,以歡喜心、助人自助的樂在服務。 三、深度休閒女性志工於服務歷程時以主動積極的學習態度學習與服務有關知能,尤其以人際互動之非正式學習獲得豐富的學習收穫,有助於擴展人際關係。 四、深度休閒女性志工心中常存惜福、感恩的善念,長期服務經驗給予精彩人生舞臺,增進家庭親子關係和諧、改變思維及增強自信心,對其生命產生顯著正面影響。 最後本研究根據上述研究結果,針對女性志工個人、女性志工家人、志願服務運用單位以及未來研究等方面提出建議。 關鍵詞:深度休閒、女性志工、志願服務、學習經驗


Abstract The research was based on the serious leisure experience of female volunteers in one district office in Taichung city, exploring how their long-term volunteering experiences affect and change their own lives. The research adopted the in-depth qualitative interview approach. Six female serious leisure volunteers were chosen for this study, who were forty-five to sixty-nine years old and have served in the district office in Taichung city from ten to sixteen years. They were interviewed and their life stories were accounted in order to understand their initial motivations, persistence factors and learning experiences of volunteer participation, as well as the growth and changes that had brought to their lives. According to the research findings, conclusions were made respectively as follows: 1. Female serious leisure volunteers had multiple motivations including personal needs, altruistic reasons, influence from others, and above all, great pleasure in helping others. 2. Long-term volunteers had deepened their internal serious leisure concepts by the help of some external factors; in the end, they were willing to take continually participation in voluntary service with joy. 3. While female serious leisure volunteers participated in voluntary services, they had actively learned and these rich learning experiences were especially gained through informal interpersonal interactions. The learning experience was very helpful to extend their interpersonal relationship. 4. Female serious leisure volunteers were very grateful to the service opportunities they had. Long-term service experiences had enhanced their lives, improved family relationship, changed their thinking, increased their self-confidence. In other words, their long-term volunteer experience had made great impacts on their own lives. Based on the conclusions mentioned above, the research proposed some suggestions to female volunteers and their families, in addition to voluntary service utilization units and the following researchers in the future. Key words: serious leisure, female volunteer, voluntary service, learning experience




