  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Teacher Professional Learning in an Experimental School: Using Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Model of Evaluation

指導教授 : 陳文彥


本研究旨在探討個案學校的教師專業學習方案,以具系統性的Kirkpatrick四層次模式進行評估,並深入瞭解影響方案成效的因素。個案學校為一所正在轉型成學校型態實驗教育的學校,研究方法以個案研究法為取徑,蒐集資料的方法以訪談法為主,文件分析與觀察法為輔,研究參與者為個案學校之校長、主任及教師。綜合研究發現,本研究之結論如下: 壹、個案學校教師專業學習方案活動方面 一、校內的教師專業學習活動 (一)2020蒙特梭利公共化計畫 (二)國際蒙特梭利AMI 6-12歲師資證書培訓班 (三)蒙特梭利小學教育概論課程 二、校外的教師專業學習活動 (一)蒙特梭利書籍讀書會 (二)蒙特梭利機構交流分享 (三)蒙特梭利教師專業社群 (四)教師週三進修及共同時間的交流對談 (五)說課、觀課、議課三部曲與家長入班觀課 貳、個案學校教師專業學習方案成效方面 一、反應層次 (一)活動主題符合教師需求,可增進對蒙特梭利的概念 (二)活動內容充實教師精神,吸引教師投入 (三)活動方式給予教師印象深刻的體驗 二、學習層次 (一)理解蒙特梭利的理念和實踐方式 (二)掌握教師專業學習活動中的所學 (三)內化知識與理念並清楚活動目的 三、行為層次 (一)教學心態的轉變 (二)教學行為的轉變 (三)師生互動關係的改變 四、結果層次 (一)教師專業學習活動結束,學校組織氛圍產生變化 (二)學生接受蒙特梭利教育,行為表現已有初步改變 (三)對於方案的長期效果,學校成員認為仍待時間發酵 參、影響個案學校教師專業學習方案成效的因素方面 一、行政方面 (一)校長的領導策略 (二)學校與培訓教師綁約,規劃長期性專業活動 二、教師方面 (一)教師缺乏經驗,對實施蒙特梭利教學效能感低 (二)正式與代理教師生涯發展目標不同 (三)領頭羊教師引領同仁省思、精進自我 三、方案運作方面 (一)線上學習方式成效不若實體學習 (二)校內培訓活動受限時間因素 最後根據本研究結論,對國民小學,以及後續研究提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate teacher professional learning programes in the case school using Kirkpatrick's four-level model, and to gain insight into the factors influencing the programe effectiveness. The case school is in the process of transforming into a school-type experimental education institution. The study used the case study design as the approach. The method of collecting data was mainly interview, supplemented by document analysis and observation. The research participants included principals, directors, and teachers in case schools. Based on the findings, the conclusions of this study are as follows: I. Case school's teacher professional learning program activities (I) On-campus teacher professional learning activities A. 2020 Montessori Public Program B. International Montessori AMI 6-12 year old teacher certificate training course C. Introduction to Montessori elementary education course (II) Off-campus teacher professional learning activities A. Montessori book reading club B. Montessori institution exchange and sharing C. Montessori teacher professional community D. Teachers' training on Wednesday and exchange and dialogue at common time E. The trilogy of lesson preparation, observation, briefing and parents entering the class to observe the lesson II. The effectiveness of teachers' professional learning programs in case schools (I) Reaction level A. The theme of the activity meets the needs of teachers and can promote the concept of Montessori B. The content of the activities enriches the spirit of teachers and attracts teachers' input C. The way of activities gives teachers an impressive experience (II) Learning level A. Understand the philosophy and practice of Montessori B. Master what has been learned in teachers' professional learning activities C. Internalize knowledge and ideas and clarify the purpose of activities (III) Behavior level A. Changes in teaching mentality B. Changes in teaching behavior C. Changes in teacher-student interaction (IV) Results level A. The organizational atmosphere of the school has changed, after the end of teachers' professional learning activities B. Students have received Montessori education, and their behavior has changed initially C. School members feel it will take time for the long-term effects of the program III. Factors affecting the effectiveness of teacher professional learning programs in case schools (I) Administrative aspect A. Principal's leadership strategies B. Schools are bound to train teachers to plan long-term professional activities (II) Teacher aspect A. Teachers are inexperienced and have a low sense of efficacy in implementing Montessori teaching B. Formal and supply teachers have different career development goals C. Leading teachers lead colleagues to reflect and improve themselves (III) Program operation A. Online learning is not as effective as physical learning B. On-campus training activities limited time factor Finally, based on the conclusions, recommandations are made for the elementary Schools, and future researches.


Montessori, M. (1989)。兒童的心智:吸收性心智(許惠珠,譯)。臺南市:光華女子高級中學。(原著出版於1949)
Montessori, M. (1992)。童年的秘密(馬榮根,譯)。臺北市:五南。(原著出版於19)
