  • 學位論文


Professional Learning Communities and Affective Organizational Commitment of Teachers at Vietnamese Public Primary Schools

指導教授 : 吳京玲


本研究以探討越南公立小學教師專業學習社群(PLC)與情感性組織承諾(AOC)之間的關係為目標。本研究著重於回答以下三個研究問題:(1)不同背景變項的教師對PLC的看法,是否有顯著差異? (2)不同背景變項的教師對AOC的看法,是否有顯著差異?(3)教師的PLC與AOC之間,是否有顯著相關?本研究採用量化研究方法回答以上研究問題。 本研究以問卷調查,蒐集越南胡志明市第一郡的16所公立小學的475名教師的背景資料與意見,進行量化統計分析。研究問題一的結果顯示,不同職位和學校規模的教師,對PLC的看法有顯著差異。教學組長對分享個人教學經驗 (Shared Personal Practice) 的評分顯著高於一般教師;大型學校之教師對支持性條件-結構 (Supportive Conditions-Structures) 的評分顯著高於小型學校之教師。研究問題二的結果顯示,教學組長的AOC顯著高於一般教師;已婚或單身教師的AOC顯著高於喪偶教師。研究問題三的結果顯示,教師PLC的六個特質皆與AOC呈現顯著正相關。 總結來說,本研究呈現出PLC和AOC對越南小學教師發展之重要性,為教師流動問題提供新的解決方案,能夠作為教育當局者的施政參考。對於未來的研究,研究者建議,可以增加研究的樣本數,以及採用更多元的分析方法以進行研究。


The present study aims to empirically examine the relationship between the professional learning communities (PLC) and affective organizational commitment (AOC) of Vietnamese teachers. The study focuses on answering three research questions: (1) Are there significant differences in teachers’ perception of PLC based on their demographic backgrounds? (2) Are there significant differences in teachers’ AOC based on their demographic backgrounds? (3) Is there any significant relationship between teachers’ PLC and AOC? A quantitative approach is applied to fulfill the targets of this study. The research data was gathered by surveying 475 form teachers working at 16 public primary schools in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (D1H). The ratings were analyzed by Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. Results show that all the six aspects of PLC positively correlate with AOC. T-test and ANOVA were also conducted to examine the differences between teachers’ perceptions of PLC and AOC in terms of demographic factors. For PLC, the results revealed that head teachers rated higher scores of Shared Personal Practice than regular teachers did. Additionally, the large school teachers rated higher scores of the Supportive Conditions – Structures than small school teachers did. For AOC, head teachers were found to have higher AOC than regular teachers. The findings also demonstrate that widowed teachers' AOC was significantly lower than that of married and single teachers. Interpretations from theoretical and cultural perspectives were offered. Based on the findings, some recommendations were proposed to the educational authorities and primary school principals in D1H. Future studies were suggested to enlarge the research sample and apply diverse research methods. Overall, this study reveals the importance of PLC and AOC to the development of D1H public primary schools. The study could serve as a valuable reference for educational authorities to have new solutions for teacher turnover problem.


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