  • 學位論文


The Study of Purchasing Factors and Cross-Selling Factors of Sunglasses

指導教授 : 林霖 林欣美


摘要 台灣眼鏡門市對於經營管理的手法與採購者擁有多元的採購力與市場交叉消費能力,藉由門市行銷來開發客戶並非唯一選擇,所以檢視您對門市的交叉消費的重要性,所面臨的問題或想法,能否為他們提供最佳的選購管道。現在很多採購族群在於交叉消費中也能為企業帶來不可或缺的重要來源,相信也能夠為門市帶來更好的商機及市場。本研究使用太陽眼鏡採購因素與交叉消費因素之探討,採購者對於太陽眼鏡採購因素與交叉消費的意願程度。針對165份有效問卷進行迴歸統計分析。根據研究結果指出,除了選購要素中功能造型與交叉選購要素中的行銷、交通以外,其他假說皆呈現正向顯著之狀態。本研究期望除能提供眼鏡門市,對於太陽眼鏡的採購因素以外,更能增加了解交叉消費因素的觀點,更能讓國內眼鏡門市業,眼鏡零售業,甚至賣場,讓太陽眼鏡採購與交叉消費中能更有效率的針對營運或商業經營模式進而提供實務性之參考,並增加太陽眼鏡銷售採購中,與採購者交叉消費中能提昇門市營業額,更能降低營運成本的負擔。


Abstract The retail marketing is not the only choice for the glasses in Taiwan to sell over the glasses in the counter, but the pluralism of how to manage and to purchase the power of doing crossing consumption which the customers can afford to spend more. Therefore, this is important to examine the crossing consumption either can provide the best choice for them and also can be the importance of the way to choose the glasses they like. Nowadays many purchasing groups believe that the crossing consumption is important source and also believe that it can bring more and create more the business opportunities for the glasses retail market. This research is to explore the ways of sunglasses procurement and the factors of the crossing consumption how customers to deal the factors buying decision and what the level of crossing consumption is concerned. In view of 165 of the questionnaire's returned to the statistical analysis. According to the research pointed out that the elements of buying decisions which are the functions, styles and the crossover choices such as the elements of the marketing, transportation, other hypothesis is, other than forward significantly in the state. This in addition, this study hopes to provide the glasses retail stores, not only to sunglasses in the procurement intersection, but also to know better how to increase the factors of the crossing consumption which are more than a point of view, hoping that to purchase the sunglasses, by doing the crossing consumption, is able to make the glasses shops, glasses retailer, even the malls. It can be more efficient into the business as the references of the reality. Moreover, it can increase more sunglasses businesses. By doing crossing consumption, the customers can, improve the turnover to reduce the burden of cost.


sunglasses purchasing cross-selling


一 、中文部分
引用文章 配鏡學 朱泌錚 黃大明編著 五南出版社 P117
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