  • 學位論文


A Study on the Experiential Learning Process of Tai Chi Chuan Players Developing Body Awareness

指導教授 : 蔡怡君


論文摘要 本研究旨在探討太極拳參與者透過建構身體覺察之經驗學習歷程,希望透過研究,達到以下目的: 一、探究太極拳參與者之參與緣起。 二、探討太極拳參與者透過太極拳經驗學習歷程建構身體覺察的過程。 三、瞭解太極拳參與者的學習經驗對參與者的影響。 本研究採質化深度訪談的方式進行,並輔以半結構式的訪談大綱來蒐集六位太極拳參與者經驗學習歷程。太極拳參與者拳齡從6至9年不等,年齡則介於33 至59歲之間,共計男性3 位、女性3 位。根據研究發現,歸納出結論如下: 一、太極拳參與者之參與緣起包含求知性、工具性及人際關係等三項目的。 二、太極拳參與者從技入藝,再由藝入道之學習歷程雖包含Kolb的具體經驗、反思、體悟及應用等四階段,惟已達「身心平衡」時,會略過反思進入體悟階段。 三、當身心衝突及以太極拳老師為學習者之楷模時,會讓學習者產生反思。 四、影響太極拳參與者之身體覺察建構的關鍵因素包括:太極拳老師引領、習練的心態及團體氛圍良好的營造。 五、在經過太極拳薰習及領悟後,對身體機能、覺察能力、生活模式及心性與處世態度帶來影響及改變。 關鍵詞:太極拳、經驗學習歷程、身體覺察、身心學


Abstract The purpose of the research was to explore how the Tai chi Chuan players’ learning experiences affect and change their body awareness. It is hoped that this study can achieve the following goals: 1. The understanding of Tai chi Chuan players’ initial motivations. 2. The understanding of Tai chi Chuan players’ process of experiential learning of learning Tai chi Chuan. 3. The understanding of the influence of Tai chi Chuan players’ experiential learning on their body, mind and life. In this study, the necessary data were collected through qualitative in-depth interviews assisted with semi-structured interview outlines. Six Tai chi Chuan players were interviewed. Their ages were between33 and 59. Their were three male and three female. All of them had been practicing Tai chi Chuan for six to nine years. According to the research findings, conclusions were made respectively as follows: 1. Tai chi Chuan players’ motivational factors were interest for knowledge, integrative motivation, social relation. 2. Tai chi Chuan players’ process of experiential learning of learning Tai chi Chuan have concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. During the learning of process, A part of learning and body experiences would not through combining with and reflections. 3. “ Physical and psychological conflict” and “ high model identification with teacher” can improve the ability of reflective thinking of Tai chi Chuan players. 4. The key factors of influencing Tai chi Chuan players’ body, mind and life are Tai chi Chuan teacher, learning attitudes, group atmosphere. 5. The continuing involvement of Tai-chi chuan indeed contribute to the case to have positive physical, mental, and social development. Key words: Tai chi Chuan, Experiential learning process, Body awareness, Somatics


