  • 學位論文


Freeway driver’s willingness to pay for an on board unit, toll-based and distance-based toll under Electronic Toll Collection System

指導教授 : 周榮昌
共同指導教授 : 劉祐興


論文摘要 鑒於目前行駛電子車道之通行費率及OBU的售價上,並不經由市場價格機能之供需變動決定,高速公路通行費率及OBU售價主要為政府及營運公司(遠通電收公司)協調之後的結果,故無法得知使用者之實際願付價格。本研究以條件評估法之三界二分法,做願付價格問卷之設計,以推估高速公路用路人之OBU、計次、計程之願付價格。由於在資料回收後,發現不少受訪者不願支付任何費用(願付價格為零),所以本研究採用可解決過多願付價格為零的Spike 模式,並分為Spike單一變數以及多元變數予以校估願付價格以減少誤差之產生。另外,本研究針對不同高速公路使用特性者,進行市場區隔並校估模式,以了解不同市場區隔願付價格之差異。由研究結果顯示,用路人對於OBU願付價格為603/台,此價格與目前售價有很大的差距;對於計次通行費用之願付價格為36元/次;而計程通行費用則為0.96元/公里。


Abstract Electronic toll collection system has been put into practice in one or two channels at toll plazas on Taiwan’s freeways since 2006. The utilization of the ETC system has been flat due to the extra cost of installing on board unit to use the ETC system. Since the pricing mechanisms of ETC system, such as OBU, current entry-based toll and future distanced-based toll, are solely determined by the supplier rather by the market itself, it is crucial to understand the real prices that drivers are willing to pay in order to increase the utilization rate of the ETC system. Therefore, this study is aimed to investigate the willingness to pay for OBU, entry-based toll and distance-based toll for freeways’ drivers. A stated preference experiment is designed to obtain the willingness to pay for those three items. To avoid the estimation bias due to a large portion of zero willingness to pay, the Spike model is used to overcome this issue. Different markets are segmented to examine their willingness to pay for OBU, entry-based toll and distance-based toll. The estimation results show that the willingness to pay for OBU, entry-based toll, and distance-based toll are NT$603/unit, NT$36/entry, and NT$0.96/kilometer, respectively.


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