  • 學位論文


A Study on Administration Behavior Adjustment of the First-timer Nonprofit Organization Directors

指導教授 : 蕭琮琦


摘要 非營利組織近年來蓬勃發展,組織也開始正視高流動率、人才育留及管理斷層的問題。因非營利組織的性質,故願意投入非營利組織工作的每位夥伴,都值得被珍視;而新手主管的養成,不僅能為組織打下穩固的基礎,也是發揮上下溝通最好的媒介,藉由新手主管的帶領,創造更優質的工作環境,提供服務對象更適切的服務,因著非營利單位需要有更多優秀人才的投入,更突顯協助新手主管適任管理職的重要性。 本研究旨在探究「非營利組織新手主管管理行為調適之研究」,研究方法採質性半結構式的訪談,蒐集目前任職於非營利組織,並具有三年以上、五年以下管理經驗的四名主管,訪談過程聚焦在擔任主管職初期,面臨挑戰與調適的過程經驗,研究目的在於: 一、了解非營利組織新手主管在升遷之心路歷程中,如何獲得支持系統。 二、瞭解非營利組織新手主管面對新職之調適方式,以利提供新手主管自我調適的參考。 三、提供非營利組織在協助新手主管調適新職之參考。 本研究共有六項發現: 一、非營利組織非預期晉升機率高。 二、未有培訓計畫讓新手無所適從。 三、關係是難以調適的角色內衝突。 四、具開放與勤勉盡責性者易上位。 五、經驗累積有助提升自我效能感。 六、角色就位有助於勝任主管一職。 本研究最後的建議分為兩大層面,在新手主管的建議部分: 一、找出適合自己的管理風格。 二、相信自己是最適合的人選。 三、了解新手主管的必經歷程。 四、持續學習新知與專業技能。 五、尋找合適請益的職場導師。 在組織層面的建議為: 一、正視新手主管的需求與焦慮感。 二、需明確傳達組織的願景與期待。 三、因應需求執行組織的人才培育。 四、發展職場夥伴計畫及導師制度。


Abstract In the past few years, the development of the nonprofit sector has generally been thriving. The individual organization also starts to recognize and tackle issues such as high turnover rates, talent education and retention, and management gaps. Due to the nature of nonprofit organizations (NPOs), each peer partner who is willing to devote oneself into NPO jobs is particularly valued. The training and development of the rookie management team not only can lay a firm foundation, but also facilitate communication between the senior management of the organization and the general staff. Through the leadership of the novice manager, a better-quality work environment is able to be created to provide better-thought-out services to the target group. The need for the dedication of more talents further underscores the importance of the qualification and the competence of the novice manager in NPOs. This research concerns itself with the “adjustment of the management behavior of the novice manager of NPOs”; it is designed to collect qualitative data by conducting semi-structured interviews with four managers who are currently working for NPOs with management experience of three to five years. The interviews focused on the challenges and the adjustment in the initial period after they first assumed the management position. The purpose of the study includes, 1.Understanding how NPO’s rookie managers obtain the supporting system during the twists and turns of the promotion journey. 2.Understanding how NPO’s novice managers adjust to the new position as a reference for other novice managers who are trying to make adjustment on the job. 3.Providing NPOs with references when they are helping rookie managers adjust to new jobs. The research discovered the following six findings, 1.The chance of unexpected promotion in NPOs is high. 2.The lack of training plans or programs puts rookie managers at loose ends. 3.In interpersonal relationship, with the new role assumed, there is a conflict that is hard to adjust to. 4.Those who are open, diligent, and responsible are promoted more easily. 5.Gaining experience helps increase the sense of self-sufficiency. 6.The readiness for the role helps achieve the competence needed for the management position. There are two dimensions of recommendation from this study. The recommendations for novice managers are, 1.Find out the management style that works best for you. 2.Believe you yourself are the best candidate for this position. 3.Understand more about the inevitable part of the journey a novice manager has to go through. 4.Continue to acquire new knowledge and improve professional skills. 5.Look for mentors on the job who can provide helpful guidance along the journey. The recommendations for the organizations are, 1.Recognize and tackle the needs and anxiety of a novice manager. 2.Clarify the vision and expectation of the organization. 3.Carry out the talent development plan according to the need of the organization. 4.Develop a peer-partner plan and a mentoring system.


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