  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Taiwan Yatching Industry and Developing Strategy

指導教授 : 楊明青


1980年代,台灣曾有遊艇製造王國的美譽,享譽全球的遊艇精湛工藝與科技設計,讓物美價廉的MIT遊艇很快地風迷全球休閒旅遊市場,可惜的是,四面環海的台灣,海岸線全長1300多公里,氣候相對穩定,一年有長達十個月適合發展海上休閒觀光,但是除了製造,在發展親海文化上,進程始終落後。 相較於韓國同時間開發遊艇生活,無造船廠的韓國,只有維修工廠,但遊艇登記為2.7萬艘次,有駕照者為15.5萬,更預計在2019年開發58座遊艇碼頭,現已有40座。 要成為「遊艇王國」不單只著墨於製造端,其實要有三個部分:「製造」、「展售」及「休憩」這三足鼎立就可以站得很穩。以美國為例,它不做製造、先發展休憩,有了玩家市場,展售就能發展,吸引全世界的遊艇都到美國展覽,本研究利用商業模式分析,競爭力鑽石模型分析,競爭力五力分析以及SWOT等分析工具進行學術研究,探討A集團經營與未來方向,期許能帶給台灣同業策略方向.


In the 1980s, Taiwan had a reputation as a yacht manufacturing kingdom. The world-famous yacht craftsmanship and technology design made the MIT yachts of high quality and low price quickly popularize the global leisure tourism market. Unfortunately, Taiwan is surrounded by the sea and the coastline is full. More than 1,300 kilometers, the climate is relatively stable, and it is suitable for the development of marine leisure and sightseeing for up to ten months a year. However, in addition to manufacturing, in the development of pro-sea culture, the process has always been behind. Compared to South Korea's development of yacht life at the same time, Korea, which has no shipyard, only has a maintenance factory, but the yacht is registered as 27,000 ships, with a driver's license of 155,000. It is expected that 58 yacht docks will be developed in 2019. 40 seats. To become a "yacht kingdom", not only in the manufacturing sector, but also in three parts: "manufacturing", "exhibition" and "rest" can stand very stable. Take the United States as an example. It does not manufacture, develops first. With the player market, the exhibition can develop and attract yachts all over the world to the US exhibition. This study uses business model analysis, competitive diamond model analysis, and competitiveness. Five-force analysis and SWOT and other analytical tools for academic research, to explore the operation and future direction of Group A, and hope to bring the direction of Taiwan's peers.


一、 中文部分
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