  • 學位論文

城鄉地區東南亞新移民子女英語讀寫學習成就之探討— 以台中縣國小三年級生為例

English Reading and Writing Proficiency of Southeast Asian Immigrant’s Children in Urban and Rural Areas: A Study on Third Grade Students of Elementary Schools, Taichung County

指導教授 : 林開忠教授


論文摘要 本研究目的旨在探討與分析台中縣國民小學三年級新移民子女學英語讀寫學習成就現況。主要研究焦點在於探討新移民子女學生英語學習成就是否會因為城鄉差異因素而影響其英語讀寫的學習成效。 本研究方法採取文獻分析法、深入訪談法、問卷調查法進行研究。研究對象以台中縣山線兩所市區學校與兩所偏遠學校的三年級新移民學生、家長與班級老師。本論文以質化與量化進行研究。質化資料處理方面,採用深入訪談法,實際至新移民子女家中與家長訪談,一共訪談四位新移民母親。在教師問卷調查方面,一共發放24份問卷,回收18份有效問卷,進行開放式問卷分析;量化資料處理方面,以「台中縣國小三年級新移民之子英語讀寫學習成就評量試卷」為量化研究工具,研究調查4所學校,發出41份試卷,有效試卷共39份。本論文研究之研究結果如下: 一、 「台中縣國小三年級新移民之子英語讀寫學習成就評量試卷」分析結果,城市國小三年級新移民子女英語學習成就與鄉鎮國小三年級新移民子女英語學習成就有所不同,城市學生英語學習成就之人數多於鄉鎮學生。 二、在讀寫測驗方面,城市新移民學生基本單字大小寫轉換與排序寫作也優於鄉鎮新移民學生;雖然城市新移民學生優於鄉鎮新移民學生英語閱讀表現,但差別不大。 三、深入新移民家長訪談分析中發現,城鄉社區環境因素、家長教養方式、皆是影響城鄉英語學習成就差異之重要因素。 四、城市地區的家中英語學習資源與鄉鎮地區家中資源有差,如電腦、網路、與其他當代科技等資源,城市地區新移民學生優於鄉鎮新移民學生。 五、城市和偏遠地區學校校內資源大同小異,城市與鄉鎮導師皆非常關心新移民學生學習。校外資源與接觸英語環境的機會,城市地區就比鄉鎮地區來得好。 根據以上結論,本論文提出對國民小學新移民子女英語讀寫學習成就之相關建議,以提供政府教育單位、學校行政單位、學校教師及未來新移民子女研究者之參考。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze the English Reading and Writing Proficiency of the third-grade students, who were new immigrant’s children, concerning English learning as compared between urban and rural elementary schools in Taichung County. The research focused on whether English learning achievement of the new immigrant’s children was influenced by their geographical location. Document analysis, interviews, and questionnaires were used in this study. The participants were third-grade students, their mothers who were new immigrants, and teachers in ths urban and rural schools in the mountain area in Taichung County. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this study. Interviews were used with mothers who were new immigrants. Concerning teacher's questionnaires, 18 responses were obtained for statistical analysis. The English reading and writing proficiency exam for these third-grade students was used to identify students’ English learning achievement in four schools. Two of these schools were in a rural area and two of them were in an urban area. There were 41 questionnaires mailed of which 39 were valid. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The result revealed that the third-grade new immigrant students’ English reading and writing achievement in the urban schools were better than that of students in the rural areas. There were differences between these two areas. 2. Concerning English reading and writing proficiency, the students in the urban schools were superior to those in the rural schools in terms of distinguishing between small and capital letters and the order of letters in words. On the other hand, the reading achievement between the urban and rural schools was almost the same. 3. The interview for the new immigrant's mother indicated that the environmental factors between the urban and rural areas and parents’ discipline of their children were important factors that influenced different English learning achievements in the urban and rural areas. 4. Obviously, the English resources in the urban area homes were better than those in the rural area homes. This included computer access, network, and other forms of modern technology. 5. The resources in the urban and rural schools were almost the same. Both the urban and rural area teachers were concerned with new immigrant children’s achievements. However, the students in the urban area had more access to English than those in the rural area. According to the above conclusions, the results of research could be used as a reference for future studies and as a recommendation for the government authorities and schools to establish an educational policy for new immigrant’s children.


參 考 文 獻
王光宗(2003) <台南縣東南亞外籍母親在子女入學後母職經驗研究>。嘉義:國立嘉義大學家庭教育研究所碩士論文。
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