  • 學位論文


The Formation of a Diffusion Hakka Settlements and its Regional Characteristics: Nangang Village, Guoxing Township, Nantou County as an Example

指導教授 : 潘英海


本論文探討今南投縣國姓鄉南港村在清末至日治時期客家社會發展的歷史過程,以客籍居民的擴散性遷移、聚落發展,地域社會的組成因素及其區域特色為研究主題,嘗試說明清代晚期水沙連地域漢人社會發展的特徵。 本研究問題意識在於探究台灣歷史上漢人社會的發展,是否有階段上的差異?特別是在清末「開山撫番」後到日治時期台灣邊區漢人社會的發展,與清中葉以前是否有本質上的差異?本研究主要採用施添福地域社會的操作模式,在國家與環境影響下,分別從維生方式、宗族、婚姻與宗教等四層面,檢視影響今南投縣國姓鄉南港村在清末至日治時期地方社會發展的主要因素。 筆者發現清末「開山撫番」以來,在國家力量介入後,特別是日治時期現代化國家的治理及交通、經濟設施下,漢人社會的發展與清中葉之前有相當不同的發展途徑。南港村的研究指出清末「開山撫番」後的客籍漢人社會,因國家力量的保護,移民到新的生活空間,藉由宗教力量來凝聚社會;後因日本政府的地方治理與引進新式的生產方式,形塑了社區意識。筆者認為利用人類學家所建構的地緣、血緣等概念來解釋清末以降漢人地域社會的形成,仍有未充分之處;因此,施添福基於上述人類學概念而建構之地域社會的操作模式,仍需局部修改。 清末南港村的客家擴散性移民,在日本政府殖民經濟政策的影響下,展現了非傳統的面貌,如缺乏大的宗族組織、傳統宗教活動與信仰較為淡薄,在現代化資本經濟的影響下,快速的土地利用變遷,不僅活絡了地方社會,更奠定南港客家地域社會持續發展的條件,也展現了其與其他區域不同的特性(區域性)。


This paper explores the social development process of Nangang Village, a Hakka community of extended migration, in Guoxing Township of Nantou county during the period from the late Qing to the Japan Occupation. The research purposes are to explain why the Hakka residents migrated to Nangang village and how the settlement was established. On the theoretical level, the researcher follows late professor Shih T’ien-fu’s model of “territorial society” that suggests four factors of social formation: subsistence, lineage, marriage and religion. And the chapters in this thesis follow the depiction of local frontier history, subsistence, lineage and religion. And the thesis ends up with a dialogue with Shih T’ien-fu’s model of “territorial society.” In summary, this research discovers that the national policy of late Ching period and the Japanese Occupation was one of the main factors that caused the Hakka extended migration. In addition, the ethnic interaction and traffic route also played important factors in the process of Hakka extended migration. Besides, under the influence of modern capital economy since the Japanese Occupation, including rapid changes of land use, contributed to the formation of local community as well as to the sustainable social system in Nangang Village. In short, Nangang village shows different regional characteristics when comparing with others. Thus, the researcher suggests at the end that a modification of Shih T’ien-fu’s model of “territorial society” is needed.


----- 《台灣人士鑑》。台灣新民日報社。
----- 《河南堂向氏族譜》。向正財(藏)。
