  • 學位論文


A Life-Long Contract of Parenthood? The Research of Nonresident Parents’ Involvement on Child Support

指導教授 : 許雅惠


在單親家庭成因中,以「離婚」居多。離婚後,總會有一方會搬離原本的家庭中,因而沒有與前配偶以及未成年子女同住,該方即為「未同住家長」。依據我國民法親屬編第1116之二條所說「父母對於未成年子女之扶養義務,不因結婚經撤銷或離婚而受影響」,故即便在離婚後,離婚雙方仍應各自履行對於未成年之子女扶養義務,不論是否其負擔未成年子女權利義務行使(簡稱監護權)。 本研究欲從未同住家長的角度出發,瞭解其對於「子女扶養義務」之認知與想法;進一步看見未同住家長如何實踐子女扶養義務,如教育、照顧、情感或經濟上等親職責任;並知悉未同住家長實踐扶養義務時,是否遭遇任何矛盾、衝突、困難或限制。此外,研究者將以「第三條路:民主的家庭」觀念做為參考,分析我國對於落實子女扶養費請求的制度與現況。 研究者以質化研究方式與九名受訪者進行深度訪談。研究發現如下: 一、離婚原因多元,關鍵在於「夫妻雙方互動關係」。 二、「孩子」看似重要,但在家庭中卻是被忽略的聲音。 三、探視、參與型態在子女管教上具有性別差異。 四、「子女扶養義務」認知某種程度是受到性別角色分工化之影響。 五、「子女扶養費支付」的具有性別、金錢與權力意義。 六、未同住家長對於「子女扶養費」的認知可分為「贈與」與「(子女)應有權利之要求」。 子女扶養義務應與婚姻存續關係無關,未同住家長即便與子女分開居住,亦應持續實踐子女扶養義務與責任。同時,未同住家長若能將自己與有監護權家長之間的「恩恩怨怨」放在一旁,並能穩定地探視、參與未成年子女的生活,對於未成年子女是具有正面影響。在社會工作服務中,多以服務單親家庭為主,卻少關注到未同住家長,因而,本研究希望藉此關注未同住家長在實踐子女扶養義務上所遭遇的困境,並試圖在社會工作服務中為其提供服務與協助,並促進未同住家長自發性地探視及參與未成年子女之生活。


This study aims to understand nonresident parents’ involvements on child rearing after divorce and their experience and perception for child support. In total 9 divorced fathers/mothers are interviewed intensively, including 5 nonresident mothers and 4 nonresident fathers. Only one of them has the custody of young children. However, those parents who didn’t have custody of children remain frequent contacts and visitations to fulfill their obligations as parents. Most of them try hard to maintain their relationship and connection with children by spending time to care, rather than by paying child support money. It seems more visits and contacts were arranged, more close relationship between nonresident parents and children would be. The study also argues, 1. The most highlighted divorced reason mentioned is ‘an irreconcilable conflict in marriage’. 2. “children” are never the central within a family because their voices and rights were largely ignored by parents during and after the process of divorce. 3. It does show gender difference on pattern of visitation, experience of involving child rearing and different perception on obligation of financial support for nonresident children. 4. Nonresident parents’ perceptions on “parental obligations” are influenced by traditional ideology of gender division. 5. Paying child support or not is a policy issue which involved with gender, money, and power, therefore, it should be identified as a lawful entitlement for children, rather than a casual ‘gift’ to children from their nonresident parent. Child Support Enforcement should be perceived as a core issue during the divorcing process to guarantee children’s rights to receive money and care from nonresident/noncustodial parents. Social work services for single parents and their children shall not only focus on resident parents, but also for nonresident parents. Providing services and consultants to help nonresident parents to present and participate in children’s lives seems to be a new agenda social work and family policy.


