  • 學位論文


Meditation and Stress Management

指導教授 : 林欣美


近代人的壓力已經成為生活的一部分,如何做好壓力的管理是本研究重要的一個環節,從文獻中去找到許多壓力形成的因子以及壓力的管理方法,經過五個個案的受訪者訪談來探討透過靜坐的方式管理壓力源。市面上關於壓力管理的參考書籍相當多,也有許多文獻探討,過去也有許多人做過類似的研究,然而此研究最重要的目的在於壓力源於認知評估階段,就透過靜坐的方式讓壓力源不會轉變為壓力,也不會因為長期暴露而轉為身心不適的狀況,這對於身為金融業管理者的研究生來說有相當大的幫助。 紓解壓力並不限定哪一種方式為最佳,有許多方法都可以達到舒壓的效果,此研究的受訪者透過靜坐的方式,部分受訪者長期暴露於壓力之下產生了身心出現匱乏以及許多狀況,此時的壓力管理透過靜坐達到的效果以及在壓力源的認知評估階段就以靜坐的方式來防止,本研究做了訪談以及探討,讓我們可以了解預防勝於治療的重要性,就經濟效益來說,確實在認知評估階段解決是較好的•


Stress has become a part of our life. How to control pressure is the important part of this research. I find many reasons that how the stress becoming and stress management. Through visit and interview 5 case to discuss how to manage stress by meditation. There are many books and researches about stress managements, we can find it in many literature, too. Many people study similar research before. The most important purpose in this research is the way that will not let stress source become stress in state of cognitive assessment by meditation. It doesn’t cause serious bodily or mental hurt in lone-term exposure. This research is very useful for me that be a branch manager in the bank. It’s not only one way to solve stress problem. Many method can relieve pressure. This research find the way to solve stress in cognitive assessment by meditation. We interview 5 people to watch and study it that can real solve stress by meditation. Some people appear big problem in the body and mind that live in the pressure for a long time though it’s can be healing by meditation. We study and research let we know: prevention is better than cure. It’s better to solve in the cognitive assessment by meditation.


pressure stress management meditation


1. 江麗美譯(Gerard Hargreaves著)(2001),有效壓力管理。臺北:智庫股份有限公司。
2. 洪蘭譯,Gleitman H.(1999),心理學,臺北市:遠流。
3. 張春興著,民 83,現代心理學。東華書局
4. 張春興著(2004),現代心理學,台北:臺灣東華書局股份有限公司,總頁791。

